Often insightful, usually humorous, and always irreverent: Our Sunday editorials paired with cartoons are regularly among our most-read pieces. Here are some of our favorites from this year.
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There are many ways in which we speak truth to power. One of them is humor. And that is one of the staples of our Sunday editorials. But the column and the accompanying caricature don’t just go for cheap laughs. They are always well-sourced and insightful.
Here are some of our favorites from 2022.

The Republican Trollympics — Pandemonium et Nonsenses
The GOP Trollympics combine two of the things Donald Trump loves the most: lying and gold. Let the games begin.

The Outlier: How Trump and MAGA Nation Broke the Truth
What do you get when a narcissistic pathological liar meets an audience that prefers falsehoods over a reality it can’t accept? The Big Lie.

Bipartisanship in All the Wrong Places
Donald Trump and his family have shown the urgent need to strengthen ethics and anti-corruption laws. But because these problems plague both parties, there is very little appetite to do so.

On Abortion, US Gets What It Deserves
If the Supreme Court ends up overturning Roe v. Wade, millions of American women will pay a steep price for years of the GOP’s malice and the Democrats’ indifference.

Help Us, Dominion… You Are Our Only Hope
Fox News is in the business of lies and propaganda; settling the occasional defamation suit is just a cost of doing that business. But now, a couple of voting machine companies can make Fox News and the Murdochs pay a much steeper price than money.

Would the Founding Fathers Have Sacrificed Kids for Guns?
Gun fetishists will have you believe that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of elementary school children. They are convinced that the Founding Fathers would agree. We beg to differ.

The Supreme Court Wants You to Party Like It’s 1776
On this Independence Day, six little judicial tyrants are jamming their forefathers’ America down your throat. And you better like it, because there is much more to come.

Photo credit: DonkeyHotey / WhoWhatWhy (CC BY-SA 2.0) See complete attribution below.
His Nuclear Materials
Why did Donald Trump steal classified information? We have some theories. What’s most frightening about them is that we just might be right.

Schrödinger’s Brat: What Is Happening to Hunter Biden Is Both Good and Bad
If Hunter Biden’s legal troubles are a sign that federal authorities are aggressively going after privileged tax cheats, then it’s great news. But maybe it’s just The Washington Post getting hoodwinked ahead of an election again.

The Only Special Master Judge Cannon Knows Is Donald Trump
In The People v. Donald Trump, the former president is going to get a fair trial — but will “The People”? It’s a longshot.

Photo credit: DonkeyHotey / WhoWhatWhy (CC BY-SA 2.0) See complete attribution below.
The Next Victim of the GOP’s Democracy-Killing Spree: Ballot Initiatives
Ballot initiatives are just about the only way in which popular progressive policies can pass in red states. The GOP solution: do away with direct democracy.

GOP Morphs From Political Party to the Greatest Threat to Humanity in 50 Years
The combination of the GOP’s power, the wide-ranging impact of its actions (and obstructions), and an overall vileness makes Republicans the greatest threat to humanity.