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368 results found for "Syria"

Chemical Weapons
By 04/29/2017

Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty Anniversary

It’s been 20 years since the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty went into effect, and an entire class of weapons of mass destruction has been nearly eliminated. That’s partly why the recent chemical attacks in Syria have attracted so much attention.

Vietnamese Refugees
By 11/02/2017

The Boat People’s Long Shadow

Many of the reasons why Americans want to keep Syrian refugees out of the US will sound particularly familiar to the Vietnamese boat people who have heard it all before and proved the critics wrong.

By 05/23/2014

More Fighting Words from Britain’s David Davis: Interview, Part 2

UK Member of Parliament David Davis has emerged as one of Britain’s top critics of government encroachment on liberty and privacy. In the second half of an interview with WhoWhatWhy’s Russ Baker, Davis talks about how he defied his party leadership to help stop Britain from fighting in Syria; the value and vulnerability of whistleblowers; and how government legal aid cuts are putting ordinary citizens at the mercy of the state.