What’s Up With Obama, Torture, and Secrecy?
On torture and secrecy, Obama is carefully treading a path laid by his predecessor. What gives?
On torture and secrecy, Obama is carefully treading a path laid by his predecessor. What gives?
Finally, if you look hard enough, you can start seeing the back story to the urgency to remove Qaddafi. It’s an ugly story—and all the ugliness is not on Qaddafi’s side, not by a long shot.
The stories we’re hearing that supposedly “justify” the Libyan bombing are getting even more convoluted. Even Congress can’t figure it out. And the media keep on “disinforming” us.
Forget the “humanitarian crisis” that justified the NATO bombing that helped destroy Qaddafi’s regime. It was always about oil and other strategic issues. And the rebels were a wholly owned subsidiary of West, Inc. Here’s the evidence.
What’s up with Obama and sending troops everywhere? Check out the latest in so-called “humanitarian intervention.” And consider what’s really at stake—and who really gains.
When it comes to the media, all uprisings are not equal. Not when the oppressor is an ally and sitting on gobs of oil.
Why the US withdrawal does not mean peace for Iraq….here’s the historical context
Scrutinize one day’s helping of headlines and story summaries, read between the lines, and you begin to see why our problems never get solved.
Most news coverage focuses exclusively on uprisings backed by the West, by corporate interests and by the Saudi royal dictatorship. We thought we’d update you on one that is deliberately ignored.
Obama accidentally airs an incautious private remark. Romney accuses Obama of a hidden agenda when it comes to (at least) foreign policy, and gets himself in a bit of hot water. What’s the back story to this squabble over open-air diplomacy, and is Russia really America’s Real “Number One Foe”? Here’s a look at the power politics behind the gaffes.
Fareed Zakaria, the favorite pundit of the Council on Foreign Relations, is bewildered that the Saudis aren’t more welcoming toward Arab Spring. And he loves George W. Bush’s love of freedom. Maybe this is why CNN ratings are at record lows.
A former Olympic official forecasts smooth sailing…absent some nutty “lone wolf.” What have we learned about lone wolves versus state actors?