368 results found for "Syria"

By 11/17/2015

Anonymous Claims Success in ISIS Hack Attack, The Real History of Poppy Bush Pt 2, Snowden Blamed for Paris Attacks: Nov 17, 2015

VOLUNTEER!  WhoWhatWhy loves our volunteers. Right now, we can use help with photo research/editing, specialty research, fundraising, social media, and more. Please get in touch if interested and tell us about your relevant experience and skills. Now Live on WhoWhatWhy Anonymous — Operation Paris #OpParis. Photo credit: Anonymous Official / YouTube. Anonymous Claims Success in ISIS Hack Attack By Klaus Marre […]

By 11/24/2015

Oswald in Mexico Pt 2, America’s Irrational Fear of Terrorism, Droughts and Deforestation Leave Brazil Dry.: Nov 23, 2015

DISCOVER OUR BLOG  Did you know that in addition to everything else we offer, we now have a Blog? It is dedicated to providing you with a mix of short, timely items you might well not see elsewhere. From “Deep Politics” Eyebrow-raisers to updates to “rants,” it’s an entertaining and informative addition to your daily reads. […]

By 11/25/2015

Editors’ Picks for Nov 25

Walmart partnered with FBI to spy on workers, Trump campaign warns GOP candidates not to team up against Trump, Dallas mayor more fearful of armed white men than Syrian refugees, and more Picks.

By 11/25/2015

Expert Panel Flunks Republicans on Climate Science, Oswald in Mexico Pt 4, Walmart Partnered with FBI to Spy on Workers: Nov 25, 2015

DISCOVER OUR BLOG  Did you know that in addition to everything else we offer, we now have a Blog? It is dedicated to providing you with a mix of short, timely items you might well not see elsewhere. From “Deep Politics” Eyebrow-raisers to updates to “rants,” it’s an entertaining and informative addition to your daily reads. […]

French Belgian Border
By 12/01/2015

Was Paris Attack Suspect Hiding in Plain Sight?

For 6 days, Brussels was on a lockdown as police hunted a suspected accomplice (Salah Abdeslam) in the Paris attacks. The lockdown, which cost the Belgian city an estimated €51.7 million a day, failed to locate Abdeslam. Now, reports have emerged indicating that Abdeslam “might have been taking his ease in a public place in […]

By 12/24/2015

Last Minute E-Gifts for People of Conscience

What do you get somebody who has everything? Maybe the answer is… you don’t get anything for them at all. Instead, in their name, you could get something for….everybody. Here are a few of the more interesting from among untold good causes.

By 01/15/2016

Fill Up Your Gas Tank — and Support Repression, Tyrants, Wars, Terrorism and Atrocities

Every time you fill up your tank or buy the latest smartphone, chances are that you are putting bullets in a gun thousands of miles away. In this podcast, Leif Wenar, the Chair of Philosophy and Law at King’s College London, reveals the true ugliness behind the marriage of resource-seeking corporations and the most corrupt despots. He also proposes an ethical alternative — Clean Trade — that benefits everyone but the tyrants.