In addition to hard-hitting news, WhoWhatWhy brings you insightful, sometimes controversial, sometimes hilarious, and always thought-provoking commentary and opinion. Here are some of our favorite pieces from this year.

How Elliott Broidy Turned the Trump Swamp Into a Cesspool
Did a major fundraiser perform a secret service for Donald Trump, one that not even Michael Cohen will talk about?

When the Commander in Chief Encourages Insurrection
When “Make America Great Again” means storming the Capitol to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

Trump’s Storm Troopers: First Blood
Was the sacking of the Capitol a one-off, or a deadly portent of things to come?

Donald Trump Is Not the Only One on Trial
The impeachment is as much a test for the Republican Party as it is for Donald Trump.

Al-Qaeda Would Have Loved a Champion Like the GOP
On January 6, domestic terrorists had former President Donald Trump’s back. Now, the Republican Party is returning the favor.

Democracy Is Dead! Long Live Democracy!
How will Trump’s insurrection end — or will it?

Pity the Poor Billionaire
The heroic sacrifices billionaires make for their country cannot be measured in dollars, but they benefit all Americans. May the laws be ever in their favor.

Hunter Biden’s ‘Art’ Doesn’t Paint a Pretty Picture
If a picture says more than a thousand words, then Hunter Biden’s paintings tell a troubling tale of greed and yet another president who puts family above country.

The Congressional Competence Conundrum
One party seems to celebrate incompetence, the other prioritizes age over ability. It’s a recipe for disaster in Congress. The experiences of two representatives — Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Katie Porter (D-CA) — exemplify their parties’ flaws in vastly disparate ways.

Donald Trump: The Art of the Press Release
If you thought Donald Trump’s statement on the death of Colin Powell was bad, just wait until you hear the shocking story behind it.

McCarthy to GOP: Keep Your Fantasies of Killing AOC to Yourselves
An exclusive look at House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) message to his party members.

‘And the Winner Is Trump’ — A Look at the 2032 Election
There is a lot of hand-wringing about the state of US democracy. This won’t be an issue for much longer if Donald Trump gets his way.