What Putin Doesn’t Say About Terrorism
What Putin Doesn’t Say About Terrorism ; Israel Does Its Part for Syrian Refugees ; House Repubs May Fix Rather Than Repeal ACA …and More Picks
What Putin Doesn’t Say About Terrorism ; Israel Does Its Part for Syrian Refugees ; House Repubs May Fix Rather Than Repeal ACA …and More Picks
From Watergate to Iran-Contra to the present, official lies have justified public crimes. When exposed, crimes unpunished to protect deeper secrets create an alternate reality in which the propaganda of power secures impunity for the powerful.
New CIA Chief Awards Saudi Prince Counterterrorism Medal ; Greece Looks Closer to Grexit … and more Picks for 2/15.
Senator: Gorsuch is a Payoff to Big Business ; Boston Public Schools Adopt a New Map …and More Picks
Trump Budgets Take Aim at Train Travel ; GOP Looks to Democrats Rather Than Freedom Caucus for Tax Reform for 4/6
How Trump is Paying Back Corporations ; Former UN Inspector: ISIS Played Trump …and More Picks
Trump Labor Dept. Hits Google for Female Wage Disparity ; YouTube Blocks Progressive Voices, Keeps InfoWars …and More Picks for 4/27
Definitive Proof Assad Used Sarin Gas on Civilians? ; How Surveillance Undermines Criminal Justice …and More Picks for 4/28
In a lightning advance, Iraqi forces captured the oil-rich city of Kirkuk from Kurdish forces on Monday, sending thousands of civilians fleeing. The fighting between two US-trained and -equipped forces that have been central to the war against the Islamic State was a slap in the face to US foreign policy. US-supplied Iraqi […]
A look at how the US has favored and funded terror groups since long before 9/11.
Global Arms Trade Doc ; Mugabe Holds On in Zimbabwe ; Jack Ruby was at JFK Parade …and More Picks 11/20
GOP’s Safety Net War ; Democrats Need a New RFK? ; Sessions and Marijuana …and More Picks 12/8