1671 results found for "only receipts found in Tamerlan’s pockets were receipts for his self-incriminating bomb-making materials"

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump
By 05/12/2016

Predicting Candidates’ Energy Policy Is a Fool’s Game

While it seems like a ridiculous proposition to predict what Donald Trump, who is notoriously short on policy details, would do while in office, “analysts” are making good money to figure these things out, so they might just be making stuff up as they go along.   Case in point: Financial news site MarketWatch surmised […]

Donald Trump
By 09/06/2018

Trump Is Dangerous, but Is #Resistance Just as Dangerous?

A recent New York Times op-ed by an anonymous high-level administration official bemoans the dangers of President Donald Trump. But the ideology of this self-described “resistance” member may be even worse: it masks itself as “sanity” — while promoting some of the same dangerous policies.

Carrie Lam, Hong Kong
By 04/27/2020

Politicians Can Be Bad for Your Health

Hong Kong, a city about the same size as New York, has successfully contained the coronavirus without the need for lockdowns. One important reason for Hong Kong’s success offers valuable lessons for citizens battling the virus elsewhere.