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293 results found for "witnesses"

By 10/07/2014

Cops, Cameras and The Thin Blue Lie

The Ferguson riots fast-tracked the debate over whether police should be forced to wear cameras, to protect citizens from abuse and cops from false accusations. Yet officers in Ferguson and elsewhere have demonstrated rogue behavior when they’re being filmed, and few are being reined in. Are more cameras the answer to deeper problems underlying police accountability?

By 05/23/2013

Boston MIT Cop Cover-Up

Of all the things that don’t add up in the Boston Marathon bombing case, perhaps the strangest of them all is the killing of MIT police officer Sean Collier. It turns out that what we were told about that wasn’t true—and the actual circumstances look very strange indeed. So does the effort to turn the shooting into a major propaganda moment.

By 03/17/2015

Why WhoWhatWhy’s Boston Marathon Bombing Coverage Is Important

Traditional news outlets have all but abdicated their duty to ask the hard questions. Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen is a case in point – he’s on a first-name basis with the police involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s capture. Klaus Marre looks at what’s missing from the mainstream press at Tsarnaev’s trial.

By 04/21/2015

FBI: Hanging By A Hair

The incorrect or erroneous testimony of FBI agents could have sent hundreds of innocent people to jail or to their death.

By 04/29/2015

Tsarnaev Family Besieged by Media, Angry Bostonians

Tensions are running high with members of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s family now in the Boston area for the sentencing phase of his trial. Their hotel was besieged with cancellations and complaints–and bombing victims expressed outrage that the defense paid for the trip out of their taxpayer-funded budget. But this one is not a simple matter of wasteful spending, and the family is worth a closer look.