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363 results found for "Syria"

By 02/26/2015

The ISIS Truth We Hide From

Is it possible that American foreign policy, rather than exporting democracy and building nations, has in fact been fomenting terrorism and destroying countries? Bob Hennelly examines the disturbing evidence.

By 03/13/2015

RadioWHO: From Russia With Death

The role of Vladimir Putin on the world’s stage, from Syria to Ukraine, is complicated, and some see him as an important moderating influence on the West’s virtually unchecked power. But his role in his own country is deeply troubling. And the public is terrified, because his opponents keep getting murdered. RadioWHO host Jeff Schechtman talks to Bill Browder, who was once Russia’s largest foreign investor. That’s until his criticism of Putin forced him to leave, and his lawyer was jailed and murdered.

By 03/17/2015

Why The Boston Bombing Trial Matters & Government Pot Shops: Mar. 17, 2015‏

NOW LIVE ON WhoWhatWhy Why WhoWhatWhy’s Boston Marathon Bombing Coverage Is Important by Klaus Marre Traditional news outlets have all but abdicated their duty to ask the hard questions. Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen is a case in point – he’s on a first-name basis with the police involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s capture. Klaus Marre […]

By 04/02/2015

A 9/11 Cover-Up, Iran’s Big Deal & Iraq’s Body Count‏: Apr. 2, 2015

NOW LIVE ON WhoWhatWhy New FBI Tactic Hints at Big DC Cover-up of Saudi 9/11 Funding by Russ Baker The FBI is disowning an explosive internal report—which ties the 9/11 hijackers to some highly connected Saudis. Just what is going on here? Russ Baker looks at the Deep Politics in play as Cover-up Central goes […]

By 04/10/2015

Obama Faces Tough Crowd at Americas Summit

The goodwill President Obama first enjoyed with our Latin American neighbors has thawed, in large part due to an executive order signed in March that labels Venezuela an “extraordinary threat.”

By 06/10/2015

Small Government Governors, Drone Deaths & Refugees‏: June 9, 2015

NOW LIVE ON WhoWhatWhy Drone Deaths, Obama, and a Better Use for These Craft By Lisette Cheresson Earlier this year, two innocent hostages—one American, one Italian—were killed by a US-led unmanned drone strike meant to target al-Qaeda. By some estimates, the drone strikes that President Obama has authorized have murdered more innocent people than the […]

By 06/11/2015

Election Outlaws, World Banksters & Serengheti Selfies‏: June 11, 2015

NOW LIVE ON WhoWhatWhy Editorial: Sheriff Out of Town, Election Cash Outlaws Rule By Klaus Marre A WhoWhatWhy editor laments the FEC’s regulatory collapse in the face of blatant election law dance-arounds. WhoWhatWhy Media Extra: Paul DeRienzo on Thom Hartmann By The WhoWhatWhy Team Paul DeRienzo appeared on the Thom Hartmann Program to talk about […]

By 06/17/2015

Russ Baker on Bush, No Love for Snowden & The Cost of War: June 17, 2015

NOW LIVE ON WhoWhatWhy No Love For Snowden By Klaus Marre The chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs recently praised whistleblowers, though he has been an outspoken opponent of Edward Snowden. Why the double standard when it comes to Snowden? WhoWhatWhy Media Extras: Russ Baker’s Jeb Bush Analysis By Russ Baker […]

By 07/18/2015

Classic WhoWhatWhy: Only “Lone Wolves” Commit Terror?

The Chattanooga shootings in which nine Marines were gunned down by a 24-year-old shooter is one of a long string of such unnerving events. Early word from law enforcement suggests the attack, like so many others in recent years, is being blamed on a “lone wolf”—someone with no connection to known terrorist or other organizations. The authorities almost always assure us that such incidents are isolated, carried out by individuals who are either mentally ill or irrationally hostile to “our way of life.” Back in 2012, WhoWhatWhy Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker questioned this analysis. Examining the larger historical role such violence has played, Baker shows how certain incidents—including “false flag” attacks instigated by governments but blamed on dissidents—have radically transformed societies. His article is as relevant today as ever.