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363 results found for "Syria"

By 04/04/2012

Mitt and Barry Spar Over Russia—Whom Can You Trust?

Obama accidentally airs an incautious private remark. Romney accuses Obama of a hidden agenda when it comes to (at least) foreign policy, and gets himself in a bit of hot water. What’s the back story to this squabble over open-air diplomacy, and is Russia really America’s Real “Number One Foe”? Here’s a look at the power politics behind the gaffes.

By 05/25/2012

Why We Can’t Stand Anyone CNN Likes

Fareed Zakaria, the favorite pundit of the Council on Foreign Relations, is bewildered that the Saudis aren’t more welcoming toward Arab Spring. And he loves George W. Bush’s love of freedom. Maybe this is why CNN ratings are at record lows.

By 09/04/2012

For Hayward, BP Stands for “Back in Play”

Tony Hayward, the former BP chief whose push for ever greater profits led to lowering safety standards and the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem, is back with a new, smaller venture, and some interesting partners.

By 09/11/2013

Classic WHY: Suppressed Saudi 9/11 Story

The anniversary of the 9/11 attacks seems the right moment to remind people how even very solid, careful reporting of apparent “deep politics” links in the attacks has never entered the larger American conversation. The story of the Saudi connection to a house in Sarasota, Florida, is must reading. It also is useful to consider given the established role of Saudi intelligence in the Syrian uprising.

Barack Obama, Full cabinet
By 01/15/2014

Benghazi: Cover-up By Both Parties?

The debate over who was responsible for the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, rages on. But the partisan noise appears to be obscuring a much more interesting possibility. Not to mention more troubling.

By 08/09/2014

CONTEXT: Iraq—Just the Tip of the Spear

The U.S. is back in Iraq—but it’s only airstrikes, according to President Obama. That’s the casual sex of warfare, after a long marriage to Iraq and the messy, costly divorce. Here’s a little reminder of what to watch out for in all-too-familiar territory.