62 results found for "Qaddafi"

By 06/15/2011

WhoWhatWhy Factchecks the Media: More Questions About the Libyan Sex Atrocity Reporting

While the eyes of the US and the world were on Anthony’s wiener, a second salacious story, with far greater potential consequences, began making the rounds. It’s a doozy: Libyan madman Qaddafi ordering his troops to commit mass rape, and dispensing Viagra to ramp up the damage. Even the BBC is rushing into this one. But is it true? New doubts—and new reckless reporting.

By 07/24/2012

War, Syrian Style? Has Assad Ordered Mass Rapes?

As pressure grows for military intervention in Syria, we are now hearing that Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad is behind alleged widespread rape in his country. Didn’t we hear the same thing about Muammar Qaddafi, followed by mounting Western calls for his ouster? As before, when you read the fine print, it gets more complicated.

By 03/30/2011

Libya Rape Charge: View With Caution

We easily forget how extensive are the psychological operations that sell the public on war. When considering the Libyan rape charges, a bit of perspective and context is wise….

By 07/27/2014

Here’s Why Libya Is Burning—Again

Libya is sliding back into chaos. The escalating violence prompted the U.S. to evacuate its embassy, and European countries are urging their citizens to flee. We hate to say it, but it looks like deja vu all over again for another failed military intervention by the West. If you want to understand what motives are in play now, read on for a look back at the real reasons behind Qaddafi’s overthrow.

By 12/11/2012

The Post-Election Project: The Establishment Pillories Susan Rice

A campaign to make sure Susan Rice does not become the next Secretary of State tells us a lot about how things really work—in foreign policy, in the establishment, and in the media. ### NEWS FLASH ###, December 13: Susan Rice withdraws name from consideration—this article provides relevant background.