A Look Back at Our Front Page Artwork - WhoWhatWhy A Look Back at Our Front Page Artwork - WhoWhatWhy


Photo credit: Kit / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

One of the things that sets WhoWhatWhy apart from other news sites is that nearly all of our articles come with their own artwork. These “panoramas” offer a visual representation of what the stories are about. Here are some of our favorites from 2017.

WhoWhatWhy features new artwork on the top of the front page each day to promote and illustrate the most important stories we publish. These “panoramas” are replaced every 24 hours. That’s a shame because a lot of work goes into them and they are true works of art.

As part of our series reviewing WhoWhatWhy’s work this year, below are some of our favorite panorama’s from 2017.

Dark Shadows: Iran-Contra, Secret Wars & Covert Operations,  Part 1


How the National Security State Created a State of Global Insecurity

The first of a three-part series exploring Iran-Contra and its implications. Part 1 focuses on the Reagan Administration’s secret wars and illegal arms deals exposed in the scandal.

TSA’s Profiling of Ethnic Groups Puts Public at Greater Risk


A Whistleblower Takes Us Inside a Dysfunctional TSA
Fifteen years after its creation, the TSA is a toxic snake pit of corruption and retaliation — which is very dangerous for the public.

Why Are US Women Shamefully Underrepresented in Washington?


Hard Truths 100 Years After First Woman Takes Congressional Oath of Office
The US is lagging far behind many other countries with regard to the percentage of women in the national legislature — even places like Iraq and Afghanistan. On the 100th anniversary of the swearing in of the first female member of Congress, we look at the reasons for this enduring inequality.

Donald Trump, Felix Sater

Why FBI Can’t Tell All on Trump, Russia


Incomplete Investigation Would Jeopardize US Democracy
The FBI cannot tell us what we need to know about Trump’s contacts with Russia. Why? Because doing so would jeopardize a long-running, ultra-sensitive operation targeting mobsters tied to Putin — and to Trump. But the Feds’ stonewalling risks something far more dangerous: Failing to resolve a crisis of trust in America’s president. WhoWhatWhy provides the details of a two-month investigation in this 6,500-word exposé.

Daggers Drawn: Conservatives Plot Ways to Throttle Agency Power


Critics of ‘Administrative State’ Aim to Slash Rules — Now and Forever
Pro-business lawyers, scholars dominate Hill conference pushing deregulatory agenda.

Would a Trump Move on TTIP Be Hazardous to Your Health?


President Donald Trump reportedly might reconsider his opposition to TTIP. We investigated how a trade deal with Europe could harm the health of Americans.

Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty Anniversary


It’s been 20 years since the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty went into effect, and an entire class of weapons of mass destruction has been nearly eliminated. That’s partly why the recent chemical attacks in Syria have attracted so much attention.

We Are Ripe for Fascism


The founders could only protect us from threats they knew. Today we face new perils that only understanding history can prepare us for.

The Danger of Exceptionalism


American exceptionalism, believing that the US is the greatest, #1, God’s country, increases the likelihood that some exceptionally awful things about America are ignored.

The FBI’s Increasingly Odd Silence on Boston Bombing


At least some mainstream media are finally showing an interest in the unresolved mysteries of the Boston Marathon bombing. But the FBI remains as tight-lipped as ever. What are they hiding?

Doctors No Longer “Do No Harm”


When Saving a Life Means Bankrupting a Family
It may turn out that the solution to the health care crisis will not run through Washington.

Evangelicals and the GOP — An Unholy Alliance


What do Donald Trump and evangelicals have in common? Everything and nothing. Evangelicals are some of his most loyal supporters. But to those with only a passing familiarity with the New Testament, that’s a religious mystery.

Future Bleak for Coal Despite Trump’s Claims


Power plants are increasingly turning to renewable energy and moving away from coal, but will the White House follow suit?

 SSA eclipse

Who Will Save Social Security When the GOP Tries to Break It?


For 80 years Social Security has been keeping its promises to the American people. It has accomplished this goal in no small part by maintaining its independence from the federal budget. Could that now be in jeopardy?

Pullman Strike

Remembering The Pullman Strike: The Origin of Labor Day


The Pullman Strike of 1894 not only gave the US a national holiday, it also legitimized unionism, and defined the modern labor movement — one centered around mass activism and progressive ideals.

fear, shadows

The Fearful vs. the Fearless


Americans are consumed by a fog of fear. It just may be that this is the new cultural divide — those who  are afraid of everything and those who can transcend it.

Mary Pinchot Meyer

The Murder of John Kennedy’s Mistress, Part 2


Excerpt from Mary’s Mosaic THIRD Edition by Peter Janney
Mary Pinchot Meyer was mistress to JFK and ex-wife of Cord Meyer, a high-ranking CIA official. Her mysterious death in Georgetown raises many intriguing questions. We continue the story in Part 2 of this excerpt. Part 1 and Part 2

All Honorable Men

Wall Street and the Nazi Cartels


What the CIA Tried to Suppress
Excerpt from All Honorable Men: The Story of the Men on Both Sides of the Atlantic Who Successfully Thwarted Plans to Dismantle the Nazi Cartel System.

federal budget, roller coaster

Will Spiraling Debt Produce Another Financial Meltdown?


US debt is out of control. Government debt is more than the total GDP, and individual Americans are burdened by mortgage, student loan, and credit card debt, while seeing little improvement in their wages. Can the course be corrected?

Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton, James Comey

Russ Baker & Peter Collins: Does Official Weinergate Story Cut the Mustard?


Russ Baker and veteran podcaster Peter Collins discuss the downfall and disgrace of New York politician Anthony Weiner, the effect it had on the 2016 presidential election, and what unseen forces may have been working behind the scenes.

Paul Ryan, fossil fuels

House Tax Bill Throttles Renewable Energy, Hugs Big Oil


Cuts Could Jeopardize Environment, Critics Charge
The House of Representatives votes on Thursday to approve its tax bill, which slashes tax benefits for wind, solar and electric vehicles, and retains billions in tax benefits for fossil fuels.

Drone Panorama

The Drone War under Trump: Killing More People, Hiding More Facts


Making the Fog of War Foggier
While President Donald Trump seeks to dismantle almost everything put in place by the Obama administration, one area where he stays the course is the drone war.

Attribution for the images above are available on each individual post.

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