279 results found for ""voting machines""

Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler
By 11/19/2023

Trump Reminds Us How Hitler Did It

There are few Americans alive today who remember Hitler — the details are lost to the mists of time. But Donald Trump is bringing it all back to us with a fresh, stark splash of reality.

Vladimir Putin. Bill Browder
By 07/25/2018

Putin’s Indecent Proposal

Bill Browder talks about being on the top of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s most wanted list, his personal safety, and his shock at President Donald Trump’s reaction to Putin’s Helsinki proposal.

Beatrice Williams
By 10/20/2018

Fighting the Good Fight Against Voter Suppression

Beatrice Williams understands well the dark history of voter suppression in Georgia — her own family experienced it. And she understands the importance of the upcoming election — that’s why she’s doing everything she can to help others vote.