Here is a look back at some of our most interesting work from a momentous year.
Over the past week, we presented you with some of the highlights of our election integrity, environmental, and coronavirus coverage. We also picked some of our favorite podcasts, editorials, panoramas, and cartoons.
Now that the new year is about to begin, we are offering one final list of articles that reflect some of the other work that WhoWhatWhy did in 2020. As you peruse it, please give yourself a pat on the back because none of this would have been possible without your support.

Crimes and Punishments of Radical Artists in Putin’s Russia
Today’s Russian performance artists want nothing less than to annihilate political power.

MyPillow Founder Ready to Go to the Mattresses for Trump
Minnesota Republicans aren’t ready to throw in the towel in the race for president, but GOP state legislators are preparing to fold.

Fatal Errors, Part 1: Police Brutality in Tucson
First of a three-part series about deaths at the hands of police in Tucson, AZ, and Richmond, CA.

NC Democrats Aim to Slay the Gerrymander Dragon
The battle for the state Legislature will determine Congressional district lines in North Carolina.

At the Center of the Storm
Proud Boys, antifa, BLM protests; Portland, OR, has been at the center of it all, with wildfires threatening to deliver the final blow.

Spotify’s Success May Be the Real Day the Music Dies
When the music’s over, turn out the lights. (The Doors, 1967, available on Spotify.)

Where There’s Smoke, China’s ‘Great Firewall’ Douses the Fire
Posting about sensitive topics on social media is a risky business.

Why Policing in Schools Is Complicated
For students of color, do officers in school do more harm than good?

The Arrogance of Power: Bill Barr and the Ghost of John Mitchell
The Hall of Shame for attorneys general is getting a new member, who almost daily conquers new heights in the art of dissembling.

Black Voices Matter
Instead of wondering what comes next, learn what Black writers have to say.

Water Woes in the World’s Wealthiest Nation
There’s a secret water crisis in America. Two million people across the US lack access to running water and basic indoor plumbing. Keystone, WV, has gone without reliable water for almost a year. Local Tori Satow is fed up and determined to make a difference.
Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from AbsolutVision / Unsplash.