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293 results found for "witnesses"

Boston Bombing Iron Curtain

The federal government’s grip on information about the Boston Marathon Bombing investigation and prosecution gets ever more vise-like. A federal judge has rejected the ACLU’s attempt to file a friend of the court brief raising serious constitutional questions about the government’s proceedings against the accused bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. And his defense attorneys have charged that the government continues to withhold investigatory details that Tsarnaev needs to get a fair trial. A civil liberties attorney tells WhoWhatWhy that the judge is acting like “a tool of the U.S. Department of Justice.”

By 02/02/2014

ClassicWHO: Someone Would Have Talked. Right?

The old argument goes that conspiracies can’t happen because someone would eventually talk. The flaw in that logic is that people involved in plots rarely speak up—even if they want to—because when they do they nearly always pay a price. Edward Snowden, anyone? So as you read this ClassicWHO repost from two years ago, consider how much relevance it still has in the case of Edward Snowden.

By 03/31/2014

Part 3: Death and Suffering, in Living Color

In the final part of our series, the story of the color film of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that was locked and hidden from Americans—and even the Japanese—for decades. Frame by frame, the footage captured the horrors. If not for certain people, almost no one would have ever seen it.

By 07/10/2014

Four in Ten Bostonians Skeptical of Official Marathon Bombing Account

A poll in Boston turned up a surprising finding—42 percent of those polled are unsure if Boston Marathon Bombing suspect Dzohkhar Tsarnaev is guilty. That’s a shock given the dominant media narrative that says he’s guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Yet the case is still full of lots of contradictions and unanswered questions that beg for answers.

The MH17 Downing: Won’t Get Fooled Again

There’s a rush to judgment about who shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17. That’s clearly dangerous with Ukraine a flashpoint in what appears to be turning into a new Cold War. Here are some things to think about as we try to separate fact from speculation and even outright fiction.

By 09/10/2014

UPDATE: Louis Freeh’s Curious Car Accident

An update on the strange one-car crash involving ex-FBI chief Louis Freeh. He nearly took out several motorists. An unidentified FBI man materialized quickly at the rural scene. And more curiosities.

By 09/22/2014

The Secret Service’s Open-Door Policy

The Secret Service cordon around President Obama is looking more like a sieve after two security breaches in as many days. The most serious one involved a former soldier getting into the front door. He’d already been stopped outside the White House a month before—carrying a hatchet. Is he another “lone nut” to be dismissed reflexively or a sign of something else?