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213 results found for "boston marathon bombing"

Barack Obama, Robert Mueller, Boston Marathon bombing
By 06/26/2016

Classic WhoWhatWhy: Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev a Double Agent Recruited by the FBI?

Last month, we reported startling new evidence that answered the questions, What did the FBI know about accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev — and when did it know it? Now the public is asking the same questions about Omar Mateen. For an in-depth look at how the FBI interacts with prospective informants, please see the story below. Published two years ago, it is still highly relevant.

By 12/27/2017

A Look Back at Our Front Page Artwork

One of the things that sets WhoWhatWhy apart from other news sites is that nearly all of our articles come with their own artwork. These “panoramas” offer a visual representation of what the stories are about. Here are some of our favorites from 2017.

By 01/12/2017

Fort Lauderdale Shooting: FBI Involvement in Another Act of Violence

The Ft. Lauderdale shooter has something significant in common with other recent perpetrators of violence: he had been previously investigated by the FBI and other agencies. Instead of the usual hand-wringing over “missed opportunities,” maybe it’s time to ask what exactly is going on in these assessments?

By 05/20/2015

Tsarnaev Case Judge: FBI Interview Reports Are Unreliable—And Cast in Stone

In allowing FBI interview reports to be read in court in lieu of witness testimony, US District Court Judge George O’Toole inadvertently highlighted an insidious tactic used by the FBI to manipulate witness statements. Anyone who gets a knock at the door from an FBI agent would be well advised to invite an attorney over before opening the door—or your mouth.

Alex Jones, monitor, Select Committee
By 08/15/2022

Who Made Alex Jones?

Who or what prompted the InfoWars host’s devolution from contrarian hothead — and platform for valuable ideas — to the lunatic fringe? The answers may surprise you.

By 07/14/2015

Tsarnaev Faces More Charges: in case he gets off?

Middlesex County District Attorney Marian T. Ryan wants Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to stand trial for the murder of MIT cop Sean Collier and the shootout in Watertown, Massachusetts. According to experts, individuals charged with federal capital crimes are almost never subsequently charged with local crimes. Does DA Ryan think the federal charges might not stick upon appeal?