486 results found for "boston"

Four in Ten Bostonians Skeptical of Official Marathon Bombing Account

By 07/10/2014

A poll in Boston turned up a surprising finding—42 percent of those polled are unsure if Boston Marathon Bombing suspect Dzohkhar Tsarnaev is guilty. That’s a shock given the dominant media narrative that says he’s guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Yet the case is still full of lots of contradictions and unanswered questions that beg for answers.

BOSTON WRONGED: Hollywood Twists Boston

By 02/12/2015

Hollywood has never let the truth get in the way of a good story. One cop’s tale about Boston Marathon Bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s capture is a sterling example. Joanne Potter points out the plot holes.

New Cover-up in Boston Bombing Saga—Blaming Moscow

By 04/10/2014

From the start, we’ve seen evidence that the US government, aided and abetted by the media, has been hiding something about what it knows regarding the Boston Marathon bombing. Now, a calculated leak seeks to pin the blame on Russia and to exonerate the FBI. What does this latest distraction hide? A lot, it seems.

MEDIA FAIL: Watch Boston Media Admit Bias Against Tsarnaev

By 02/24/2015

Several mainstream media reporters in Boston admitted that they don’t see the need to use the word “alleged” when talking about Boston Marathon Bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The trial is merely a formality, and so are journalistic ethics, apparently. Lara Turner examines the shocking admission.

Missing Evidence of Prior FBI Relationship with Boston Bomber

By 06/06/2015

Almost universally overlooked congressional testimony from then-FBI director Robert Mueller directly contradicts a deliberately-propagated misconception: that the Boston Marathon bombers were unknown to the US government until the Russians issued a vague warning that was dismissed as inconsequential. This revelation calls into question the precise nature of the FBI’s relationship with the bombers—before they became bombers.

BOSTON UPDATE: Another Tsarnaev Friend Arrested, Another Government Leak

By 08/07/2014

Stephen Silva, a friend of accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, pleaded not guilty to federal drug and gun charges. Publicly, the authorities say his arrest has nothing to do with the Boston Marathon bombing. So why are anonymous law enforcement sources saying Silva had the pistol Tsarnaev and his brother used to murder a police officer and shoot at others?

Another Boston Bombing Witness Beatdown?

By 11/11/2014

The friends of the accused Boston Marathon Bombers have faced intimidation, deportation and even deadly violence. Now another is alleging abuse. Is the apparent jailhouse brutality against Khairullozhon Matanov overreaction to an unruly inmate or part of a bigger pattern of silencing the Tsarnaev brothers’ friends?

Boston Marathon Bombing: A Primer

By 12/21/2014

As the defining domestic national security event since 9/11, the Boston Marathon Bombing has played a major role in expanding the power of the security state. Although the media quickly accepted the government’s assertions that it had captured the culprits, that the culprits were “lone wolves” and that there was nothing more to the story, an ongoing exclusive […]