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293 results found for "witnesses"

By 04/02/2009

Leahy's Truth Commission Hits the Skids

Those of you following the prosecution trail will be interested to know that Patrick Leahy’s Truth Commission is a no-go. I was in a meeting with Leahy and 4 other Vermonters on Monday when he broke the news to us. We had asked for the meeting to learn why he supported a Truth Commission over […]

By 05/03/2009

Investigative Story of the Week

Kudos to the Los Angeles Times for publishing an excellent investigative piece today on how difficult it is to fire a tenured teacher in California, no matter what the charges. The piece starts with a juicy lede: The eighth-grade boy held out his wrists for teacher Carlos Polanco to see. He had just explained to […]

By 12/29/2010

Covering up: A tale of two autopsies

Here’s a fine piece of work that ran on the front page of The New York Times recently. The article, written by Ellen Barry, concerns a suspicious death, a cover-up and a commission’s inquiry into the death. See if you can guess where this incident took place (“spoiler” details have been removed from the excerpts […]

By 12/13/2011

The Military and Those Strange Threats to Obama

A number of curious security breaches have dogged Obama. Are these simply bizarre, random events, or is someone sending someone a message? There’s a military thread running through it all, and we’d be prudent to take a closer look.

By 04/10/2012

Someone Would Have Talked? Someone Would Be Crazy

The common refrain that no unknown domestic plots exist, because “someone would have talked” and we would know about them…is plain wrong. People do talk—and suffer the consequences. So there aren’t many of them.

By 05/15/2012

The RFK Shooting: Eyewitness to Second Gunman

You’ve heard about “someone would have talked”? Well, someone did. An important new eyewitness, a credible one, talks about a second gunman firing at Robert F. Kennedy.

By 05/28/2012

Syria: The Dangers of One-Sided Reporting

We keep getting reports of atrocities committed by the Syrian government. Those reports may well be accurate. But the truth is usually a bit more complicated in war zones. If news organizations don’t start adopting a higher standard for their reports, another Libyan-style intervention, complete with massive bombing and untold civilian casualties, may be inevitable.

By 07/24/2012

War, Syrian Style? Has Assad Ordered Mass Rapes?

As pressure grows for military intervention in Syria, we are now hearing that Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad is behind alleged widespread rape in his country. Didn’t we hear the same thing about Muammar Qaddafi, followed by mounting Western calls for his ouster? As before, when you read the fine print, it gets more complicated.

By 12/11/2012

The Post-Election Project: The Establishment Pillories Susan Rice

A campaign to make sure Susan Rice does not become the next Secretary of State tells us a lot about how things really work—in foreign policy, in the establishment, and in the media. ### NEWS FLASH ###, December 13: Susan Rice withdraws name from consideration—this article provides relevant background.