284 results found for "witnesses"

By 05/20/2015

Tsarnaev Case Judge: FBI Interview Reports Are Unreliable—And Cast in Stone

In allowing FBI interview reports to be read in court in lieu of witness testimony, US District Court Judge George O’Toole inadvertently highlighted an insidious tactic used by the FBI to manipulate witness statements. Anyone who gets a knock at the door from an FBI agent would be well advised to invite an attorney over before opening the door—or your mouth.

By 04/28/2014

Silencing Barrett Brown

“Hacktivist journo” Barrett Brown is facing less jail time thanks to a plea deal unsealed last week. He is also more able to speak, since a judge has now lifted a gag order in the case. And that is an important development because as WhoWhatWhy discovered, prosecutors not only wanted to keep the man in prison—they wanted to keep him very quiet.

By 01/05/2016

How the FBI Got Tsarnaev’s Friend to Turn on Him

The evidence suggests the FBI went to extraordinary lengths to set up one of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s best friends, to ensure his help in convicting the accused Boston Marathon bomber. Stephen Silva, who testified against Tsarnaev, was released on December 22, 2015, and is now a free man after being sentenced to time served:17 months. Had he not agreed to testify for the prosecution, he would have faced a maximum of 40 years for selling heroin — something the FBI manipulated him into doing.

JFK Assassination
By 01/14/2017

Ruminations on the Greatest Mystery Never Solved

More than 50 years after the assassination of JFK, questions of who, what, and why remain unresolved. Despite valiant efforts by a dedicated research community, the obstacles remain formidable. At a recent JFK research conference in Dallas, Russ Baker addressed some of these challenges and how to move forward.

By 10/09/2013

Bush and the JFK Hit, Part 4: Barbara’s Hair-Raising Day

What possible connection could there have been between George H.W. Bush and the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Or between the C.I.A. and the assassination? Or between Bush and the C.I.A.? For some people, apparently, making such connections was as dangerous as letting one live wire touch another. Here, in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination in November, is the fourth part of a ten-part series of excerpts from WhoWhatWhy editor Russ Baker’s bestseller, Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years. The story is a real-life thriller.