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289 results found for "witnesses"

By 10/02/2014

BOSTON UPDATE: FBI War on Marathon Bombing Witnesses Continues

Witness intimidation, a tactic normally associated with the mafia or drug cartels, continues to be an underreported aspect of the Boston Bombing trial. Recent court documents reveal a troubling pattern of harassment and surveillance against potential defense witnesses by the FBI.


FBI War on Boston Witnesses

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is accused of harassing friends of Ibragim Todashev, the Chechen immigrant who was shot and killed by an FBI agent in Orlando, Florida, under unexplained circumstances during a late-night interrogation five months ago. Todashev was a friend of one of the Boston bombing suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Two more friends are now behind bars in what advocates say is part of a campaign of intimidation. Just why this is happening remains unclear.

By 05/20/2015

Tsarnaev Case Judge: FBI Interview Reports Are Unreliable—And Cast in Stone

In allowing FBI interview reports to be read in court in lieu of witness testimony, US District Court Judge George O’Toole inadvertently highlighted an insidious tactic used by the FBI to manipulate witness statements. Anyone who gets a knock at the door from an FBI agent would be well advised to invite an attorney over before opening the door—or your mouth.