183 results found for "milicent cranor"

Martin Luther King Also Had a Nightmare

By 01/18/2016

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, WhoWhatWhy presents — through a fascinating collection of pictures — a brief history of American racism, a look at the kind of hatred, atrocities, and soul-searing humiliation that spurred King into action. Rather than the stuff of dreams, much of it was a living nightmare. We first published this piece in 2015, but it remains more relevant than ever — because we seem to be going backwards. We want you to see, with your own eyes, just how ugly it can get.

Classic Who: Is This About You?

By 06/29/2016

Insightful, funny, and surprising quotations on the subject of skepticism, by some of the wittiest people who ever lived. We ran this collection before — and we will probably run it again. We don’t think you can ever get enough of this kind of thing. (Ran originally on February 13, 2014.)