Editors’ Picks for Feb 22
Why Give a Platform to South Carolina Republicans?, Now Even Bankers Believe it is Time to Break Up “Too Big to Fail”, Ex-NYT Reporter on the West’s Misleading Syria Coverage, and More Picks
Why Give a Platform to South Carolina Republicans?, Now Even Bankers Believe it is Time to Break Up “Too Big to Fail”, Ex-NYT Reporter on the West’s Misleading Syria Coverage, and More Picks
Clarence Thomas Breaks Supreme Court Silence, Court Blocks Indiana’s Syrian Refugee Prevention Efforts, Carbon Dioxide Levels Highest in 15…Million Years, and More PIcks
Why is US Funding Fundamentalist Jihadis in Syria?, The Unknown History of Gender-Specific Bathrooms, Hillary Clinton’s Connection to Brooklyn Voter Purge
10,000 March on Philadelphia to Demand Climate Justice, The Third Party Election?, ISIS Attack on Kurds Deadliest in Years, and More Picks
How Mosquitos Suck Blood(Video), Chelsea Manning’s Continuing Punishment, George Soros Returns, and More Picks
Syria Further Complicated After Turk Entry ; Clinton’s Questionable Use of Tax Dollars ; Tea Party Loses to Establishment …and More Picks
It hasn’t just been WhoWhatWhy’s domestic coverage that has been far ahead of the curve: with our limited resources we got many of the international stories right too. For example, according to mainstream media reports, it now seems increasingly likely that Donald Trump might try to play Russia and China off of each other, by cozying […]
Echoes of World War I in the Ankara shooting of the Russian Ambassador. This one is deeply worrisome.
CIA attempts to deceive the public are being thwarted, thanks to the Internet, the Freedom of Information Act, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and intrepid journalists like Jason Leopold (a “FOIA terrorist”).
Guardian’s Fake News About Assange ; Neo Nazis Try to Shut Down Leftist Gathering Places ; US and UN Excluded from Syrian Ceasefire …and More Picks
How are you celebrating the tenth anniversary of Saddam Hussein’s death? There are plenty of reasons not to be smug about it. Because this “accomplishment” set a pattern for a continuing series of bloody disasters.
Obama’s Send Off to Syria ; Trump Effect in Netherlands ; Site Develops ‘Religious Imposition Law’ Tracker …and More Picks