Make America a Mall Again
Can the great indoor shopping space cure our national loneliness?
Can the great indoor shopping space cure our national loneliness?
If there is a right-wing piece of misinformation out there, Elon Musk is happy to amplify it.
Donald Trump knows nothing about the Heritage Foundation’s controversial “Project 2025”… except that he doesn’t agree with parts that might hurt his campaign.
Felon vs. aging incumbent: Is this the best America can do? How our constitutional system is failing us, and how radical systemic changes could save it
Across the globe, it’s bad to be the ruling party right now. Everybody seems to be unhappy. But why?
The US is unquestionably Ukraine’s most important ally. It not only provides weapons and other support to the country but also functions as the main deterrent against further Russian aggression.
On July 4, let’s pause to get our priorities right
Donald Trump is crowing about his lead over Joe Biden. But what if he ends up facing another candidate and has to scramble to find new lines of attack (and another childish nickname for his new opponent)?
Hunter Biden is advising his father on whether to stay in the presidential race. Let’s hope making bad decisions doesn’t run in the family.
The emerging strategy is not convincing undecided voters but persuading infrequent voters who already like him.
Donald Trump’s sentencing hearing in the New York documents case has been pushed back to September.
This decision cannot be left to Biden’s inner circle.
The Biden/Trump debate was a terrible celebration of the obvious.
Claiming that only Joe Biden can defeat Donald Trump, or that he is best-positioned to do so after last week’s debate, is not just ridiculous but also sells short the entire Democratic Party.
Every reasonable person seems to think that giving someone like Donald Trump total immunity is crazy. But maybe this license would cause him to focus more on defrauding taxpayers to enrich himself than causing more serious damage elsewhere.
Democrats are finally learning: Being the adult in a food fight no longer works.
It still seems to be an election hinging on which candidate voters worry the most about.
President Biden had difficulty completing thoughts and sentences at the debate in a way that confirmed his supporters’ worst fears about his ability to function. The future will tell if voters will forgive this failure or demand a change in the ticket.
It is unfair that Joe Biden is being asked to step aside just for being too old while a narcissistic felon can stay in the race. But life isn’t fair, and Democrats better get through the seven stages of grief quickly or risk disaster in November.
It’s quite possible that the most reliable pollsters — “correcting” for their big collective misses in 2020 and 2016 — are significantly overestimating Trump/GOP strength now in 2024.
It is a sad testament to US politics that Americans have to choose between Donald Trump and Joe Biden… neither of whom they like. How come?
On Thursday, if you bet $50 that “another Democrat” would win the 2024 election, you’d get $6,500 back. On Friday, after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, that number has changed drastically.
When did weather forecasting become life-threatening? Meet Chris Gloninger, the TV meteorologist who faced death threats for reporting on climate change. A tale of science vs. politics.
If there is one thing you can count on, it is that Donald Trump, his GOP allies, and Fox News will embrace any conspiracy theory that suits whatever their narrative is… no matter how absurd or stupid it may be.
President Joe Biden is not just battling Donald Trump but also the perception that he is not up for the job and that his views are too liberal. He has to try to reassure Americans tonight that they are wrong on both accounts.
A new report shows oil majors fall short of meeting Paris Agreement targets while fueling global military conflicts.
In what is a real travesty of justice, the Supreme Court still has not released its decision on whether Donald Trump was allowed to stage a coup.
The presidential debate will feature some well-worn tropes.
Julian Assange has been a highly divisive figure in the US, with some hailing him as a hero of a free press and others condemning the WikiLeaks founder for jeopardizing national security and working with Russia to get Donald Trump elected. News of his release reflected these two extremes.
Most Americans think climate change plays some role in creating extreme weather, though their perceptions didn’t always align with scientists’.
“It will take decades, not centuries.”
On Monday, the European Commission announced that Apple has become the first company likely in breach of the EU’s Digital Market Act. If the company is ultimately found guilty, it faces fines of up to $38 billion.
Donald Trump’s surrogates don’t seem to have a lot of confidence in the former president, as evidenced by how they are lowering the bar for his performance at Thursday’s debate.
Clarence couldn’t just stand by and watch the Court gut the Second Amendment!
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum tried to earn a spot on the GOP ticket by saying a bunch of crazy stuff.
The Donald Trump for President campaign relies on a complicit media to dish out fake events to promote Trump to willfully gullible supporters. He is the number one purveyor of fake news in America.
Elon Musk wants to harness the wisdom of millions of Twitter users to replace traditional journalism. Not surprisingly, that plan contains some serious flaws.
What political insiders don’t seem to understand is that most Americans never see the crazy and unhinged version of Donald Trump. At next week’s debate, President Joe Biden has to bring it out.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is already laying the groundwork for the Big Lie 2.0. That would be amusing… if it weren’t so disconcerting.
The fourth-highest-ranking House Republican suggests those who were involved in pursuing Donald Trump’s felony conviction should be prosecuted.