109 results found for "the coup against nixon"

George H.W. Bush Shaped History — But Not the Way We’re Told

By 12/03/2018

As a young naval intelligence officer, George H.W. Bush got a verbal thrashing for failing to be discreet. He sure learned that lesson, and became a man who did one thing in public and another in private. Thanks to that — and to an incurious and superficial media — there’s a whole lot of shocking stuff out there you probably never knew.

The Military and Those Strange Threats to Obama

By 12/13/2011

A number of curious security breaches have dogged Obama. Are these simply bizarre, random events, or is someone sending someone a message? There’s a military thread running through it all, and we’d be prudent to take a closer look.

The Secret Service’s Open-Door Policy

By 09/22/2014

The Secret Service cordon around President Obama is looking more like a sieve after two security breaches in as many days. The most serious one involved a former soldier getting into the front door. He’d already been stopped outside the White House a month before—carrying a hatchet. Is he another “lone nut” to be dismissed reflexively or a sign of something else?

When the whole truth is out….

By 11/20/2015

The assassination of John F. Kennedy forever changed America and its politics. And yet, even in the wake of such a tectonic event, the facts around that fateful day are still in dispute. One man who can cut through the confusion is Gary Shaw, a pioneering investigator of JFK’s death. He is this week’s guest of WhoWhatWhy’s Jeff Schechtman.