109 results found for "the coup against nixon"

Trump: Bully For You

By 02/21/2017

A journalist who has witnessed a lot — the 1968 police riots during the Chicago convention, Los Angeles following the Charles Manson murders, the implosion of the US Army at the end of the Vietnam War — has never seen anything as depressing as the election of Donald J. Trump.

PoppyLeaks, Part 1

By 11/16/2015

Hey, are we living in the old USSR? It sure looks like it, judging from the way the media has closed ranks around a blatantly false account of George H.W. Bush’s life. This bothers us so much that we’re going to give you portions of his real biography — free.

Classic Who: GHW Bush and the JFK Assassination

By 10/24/2017

Former President George H.W. Bush claimed to have trouble remembering where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot — in Bush’s own state. Helping refresh Bush 41’s memory leads in some fascinating directions.