In addition to hard-hitting news, WhoWhatWhy brings you insightful, sometimes controversial, sometimes hilarious, and always thought-provoking commentary and opinion. Here are some of our favorite pieces from this year.
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From skewering Donald Trump to filleting William Barr and Mitch McConnell, DonkeyHotey’s razor-sharp wit was on full display this year.
It’s interesting to see how some of the targets have evolved. In January, Fox News was shredded for helping tear the country apart. By the end of the year, it’s been outdone by even more divisive right-wing TV outlets. Then there was UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In March he was roasted for making light of COVID-19, pursuing the dubious idea of herd immunity. Nowadays, Johnson, after being infected with the coronavirus, takes the pandemic much more seriously.
And how about Attorney General William Barr? In June he was excoriated for his role at the center of the jaw-dropping spectacle outside the White House when US Park Police and National Guard troops cleared Lafayette Park of Black Lives Matter protesters. They were tear-gassed so President Trump could march across for a photo-op outside a church, bible awkwardly in hand. By Christmas, Barr had resigned, unable to bring himself to support Trump’s efforts to overturn the election, including the idea of using the military to seize voting machines.
But then there are those cartoons that could have been drawn today, like the one of Trump taking a torch to EPA regulations, or Trump refusing to concede defeat, or McConnell fighting to keep businesses immune from COVID-19 lawsuits.
What a year. Here are some of our favorite DonkeyHotey cartoons that accompanied some of our favorite hard-hitting op-eds from 2020.

Like a Fox — How a TV Channel Is Tearing America Apart
For two decades, Fox News has made piles of money from creating a fictional America in which conservatives are under assault and can play the victim. Under Trump, the network stopped pretending that it is fair and balanced.

Mad Dogs and Englishmen Go Out in the Coronavirus Spring
After weeks of growing confusion, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has finally shuttered schools and social venues in the UK; his campaign against coronavirus may be too little, too late.

Trump’s Dirty Deed: Latest EPA Deregulation Will Kill Americans
The Trump White House has not let a pandemic interfere with its drive to gut environmental regulations.

McConnell Is Pushing One COVID-19 ‘Cure’ America Does Not Need
As America tries to reopen, workers and consumers should not lose their only weapon to hold businesses accountable.

Law and Disorder: Time for a Rethink
America’s difficulties with law enforcement trace back to colonial days.

Our Counterfeit President
The Big House or the White House: Thefts of different magnitudes and their inverse results

No One Wants Schools Shut Down
That doesn’t mean they should open.

Lessons for America From Way Down Under
New Zealand shows how to act fast to stem COVID-19 spread.

The Trump Show: Who You Gonna Believe? Me, or Your Lying Eyes?
The 2020 Republican National Convention spun its way into a Category 5 Bullshit Storm, possibly damaging the reputation of the GOP more than anything else.

An Attempted Coup in Slow Motion
Donald Trump’s campaign against voting by mail leaves voters a stark choice: risk catching COVID-19 or face four more years with Trump.

Claims of Medical Abuse of ICE Inmates in Georgia Prompt Outrage
Whistleblower claims refugees received unwanted hysterectomies and didn’t understand why.

Photo credit: DonkeyHotey / WhoWhatWhy (CC BY-SA 2.0) See complete attribution below.
In my heart I’m always right. Photo credit: DonkeyHotey / WhoWhatWhy (CC BY-SA 2.0) See complete attribution below.
America’s Values, Dismantled Brick by Brick
If hypocrisy is a sin, America has far too many sinners.

Someone Needs to Tell Him the Party’s Over
Something tells us Donald Trump’s no longer dancing to the signature song of his campaign rallies, “Y.M.C.A.” by the Village People. But you never know.

Lindsey Graham’s the Law-and-Disorder Senator
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is still trying to fix the election for Donald Trump.
Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Sushil NashE / Unsplash.