
Donald Trump superimposed over the Taj Mahal. Photo credit Image name: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from (Trump The Movie) 

Donald Trump likes to play by his own rules, even if that means bending those of society. And for those who dare defy him, he’s got a lawsuit waiting.

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Donald Trump shocked the political class and pundits this week by withdrawing from the next Republican debate hosted by GOP-friendly Fox News. But viewers of the documentary-that-Trump-does-not-want-you-to-see know that the mogul likes to play by his own rules or not at all.

That is particularly obvious in this segment in which Trump enters a high-stakes game of real-life monopoly in Atlantic City, changes the rules, gets all of the advantages, and still manages to go bust.

It would be funny if Trump’s follies did not cost people their jobs and investors their money. Judge for yourself if you’d sit down for a game of Monopoly with Trump.

The following video is part of a documentary on Trump that was made a quarter century ago but never released.

The film has a gritty tabloid quality — and is, by definition, a period piece. While some “chapters” will be more explosive or longer than others, what the documentary reveals about Trump’s character and manner of operating is more relevant than ever. We dare you to watch this and say that, like Trump, you already “knew it all.”

From now until the first votes are cast in Iowa, we will stream “chapters” of it here.

This is Part 10 of 12.

Part 1 is available here.

Part 2 is available here.

Part 3 is available here.

Part 4 is available here.

Part 5 is available here.

Part 6 is available here.

Part 7 is available here.

Part 8 is available here.

Part 9 is available here.

Part 10 is available here.

Part 11 is available here.

Part 12 is available here.

Editor’s Note: At the request of the filmmakers, this post was updated on August 23, 2023, with a new link to the full documentary.


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