PODCAST: Russ Baker with Pat Thurston on RatherGate - WhoWhatWhy PODCAST: Russ Baker with Pat Thurston on RatherGate - WhoWhatWhy

George H.W. Bush was the youngest Navy fighter pilot of World War II. George W. Bush was a first lieutenant in the Texas Air National Guard. Photo credit:  US Navy, US Air Force / Wikimedia

PODCAST: Russ Baker with Pat Thurston on RatherGate

The Backstory to the New Bush-Rather Movie “Truth”


WhoWhatWhy Editor in Chief Russ Baker chats with Pat Thurston, talk show host on the megastation KGO, about what is — and is not — in the new movie “Truth.” The film, which features Robert Redford and Cate Blanchett, explores the events in 2004 when CBS News reported on George W. Bush’s failure to complete his required military service during the Vietnam War. Instead of Bush facing the music, it was CBS’s journalists whose heads ended up on the chopping block. Russ goes deep for some surprising insights.

WhoWhatWhy Editor in Chief Russ Baker chats with Pat Thurston, talk show host on the megastation KGO, about what is — and is not — in the new movie, “Truth.”

The film, which features Robert Redford and Cate Blanchett, explores the events in 2004 when CBS News reported on George W. Bush’s failure to complete required military service during Vietnam. Instead of Bush facing the music, it was CBS’s journalists whose heads ended up on the chopping block.

Russ explores indications that CBS and its anchor Dan Rather were deliberately targeted for a fall because they were getting too close to the truth about Bush. Were they fed false documents that closely mirrored reality but contained a ticking bomb? Pat and Russ also take the long view on the Bush clan and its still virtually unknown role as a core element of America’s covert-operations fraternity. The conversation lasts nearly an hour, but never lets up.


Part I of II


Part II of II

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Related front page panorama photo credit: Robert Redford (Global Panorama / Flickr [CC BY-SA 2.0]), Dan Rather (Charlie Llewellin / Flickr [CC BY-SA 2.0]), George Bush (The White House / Flickr), Truth 2015 poster (Wikimedia)

  • Russ Baker is Editor-in-Chief of WhoWhatWhy. He is an award-winning investigative journalist who specializes in exploring power dynamics behind major events.

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