Rathergate Crucial Background, World’s Marine Food Chains on Verge of Collapse, Trump Thinks He’s Already in General Election Vs. Sanders: Oct 15, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy Rathergate Crucial Background, World’s Marine Food Chains on Verge of Collapse, Trump Thinks He’s Already in General Election Vs. Sanders: Oct 15, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy

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Air Force Wounded Warrior Tech. Sgt. Israel Del Toro (right), of Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Photo credit: US Air Force

Air Force Wounded Warrior Tech. Sgt. Israel Del Toro (right), of Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.

Photo credit: US Air Force

Crucial Background to New Redford Movie on Bush and Rather, Part 1
By Russ Baker
In 2004, CBS News was offered documents confirming that George W. Bush had dodged the draft during the Vietnam War. Dan Rather aired a report based on these documents and within a suspiciously short time, they were alleged to be false. The story “blew up” in Rather’s face, forcing his early retirement. Russ Baker, who was in Texas at the time, found telling indications that the documents were likely a clever ruse to trap CBS and convince others that investigating Bush’s past was hazardous.


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Two prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay have case activity before the US District Court for the District of Columbia today. ODAH et al v. BUSH and DHIAB et al v. BUSH. Photo Credit: Kathleen T. Rhem / Department of Defense / Wikimedia

Caption:Two prisoners being held in Guantanamo Bay have case activity before theUS District Court for the District of Columbia today. ODAH et al v. BUSH and DHIAB et al v. BUSH.

Photo credit: Kathleen T. Rhem / Department of Defense / Wikimedia

The World’s Marine Food Chains on Verge of Collapse (Russ)
That’s what a major new study finds. Related to climate change and pollution. Time to pay attention and do something.

Trump Imagines He’s Already in General Election Vs. Sanders (!) (Russ)
Releases video attacking Bernie for supposedly being weak during debate.

Putin Slams US and Its Allies on Syria (Kristina)
“President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday slammed Washington for refusing to share intelligence with Russia on Syria, accusing it of muddled thinking.

“‘I believe some of our partners simply have mush for brains,’ Putin said, expressing some of his strongest criticism yet of Washington’s handling of the Syrian crisis.”

If You Think Congress Has Problems … (Klaus)
An opposition lawmaker in Kosovo has released tear gas in parliament. His actions can hardly be called surprising since that was the second such incident within a week. For the sake of the many elderly senators in Congress, let’s just hope that Ted Cruz does not have access to tear gas.

Alaska Gov’s Answer to Rising Climate Change Costs — Pay For WIth More Drilling (Russ)
Governor admits climate change is badly harming Alaska, but says he needs toauthorize more oil drilling to cover rising related expenses. Even though oil is a big part of problem in first place.

Huckabee Doubles Down After Posting Insensitive Tweet (Klaus)
It certainly seems as though Republican candidates are on a mission to offend every minority out there. As of this week, they can check “Asians” off their list after former governor Mike Huckabee posted a tweet during the Democratic debate about Koreans eating dogs. A lot of people found it to be racist, so Huckabee defended himself by saying his tweet was a critique of a brutal dictatorships. Read the tweets and judge for yourself here.

“Arabian Street Artists” Bomb Homeland: Why We Hacked an Award-Winning Series (Trevin)
Graffiti artists hired to help decorate a Syrian refugee camp for an episode of Homeland staged a secret intervention in protest of the show’s extremely anti-Muslim propaganda.

The set creators were too busy to notice messages like “Homeland is racist” and “Homeland is a joke and it didn’t make us laugh” written on the walls of the camp in Arabic script.

The episode aired on October 11, 2015, “Homeland” Season 5, Episode 2.

Exxon’s Climate Lie (Trevin)
The truth of Exxon’s complicity in global warming must to be told — how they knew about climate change decades ago but chose to help kill our planet.”

‘Hardcore’ Anti-Islam Protester Puts Down Banners After Hug From Muslim (Trevin)
“An anti-Islam protest near a mosque in Ohio, US, finished almost before it started after a Muslim woman gave a hug to the only demonstrator who showed up. Both then went to a mosque, where they were greeted with cheers.”
Saturday Night Live’s Guns Ad (Satire) (Russ)



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