Jeb Beats Around the Bush: Dec. 16, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy Jeb Beats Around the Bush: Dec. 16, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy


When is a plea deal not really a deal? When you’re jailed journalist Barrett Brown, and prosecutors show up at what’s supposed to be a one-day sentencing with hundreds of pages of evidence against you, looking for the longest prison term possible.


Who is ready for yet another Bush in the White House? Based on this Facebook posting, it sure looks like Jeb Bush is getting ready for a run against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. (Take a look at the special Bush election equation we figured out.)

Who else leads the GOP field for 2016? Mitt Romney, of course.

Who wrote that those who “fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it”? That bit of wisdom came from philosopher George Santayana. This bit of wisdom came from then-President George W. Bush.

Who just ruled that Obama’s “Executive Action” on immigration is unconstitutional? A federal judge appointed by George W. Bush in 2002.

Who never gets a shot to tell their story on U.S. television? People who have been tortured.


What is the next step for Pakistan after the devastating Peshawar school massacre? The attack by the Pakistani Talibanwhich killed 132 children—has been widely condemned, but it also signals a major escalation in the long war with a former creature of Pakistani intelligence services.

As the Afghanistan War has officially come to a close, Pakistan has faced escalating political strife, internal power struggles and allowed the U.S. to conduct a controversial drone campaign against militants within its borders.


Why should extreme sleep deprivation be considered “torture”? Because psychologists have deemed it too deadly to use on human experiment subjects.

Why is Khalid al Masri waiting for an apology from the CIA? Because he was erroneously detained and tortured by the CIA’s rendition program.

Why is Russia unable to do anything to stop the fall of the ruble? Because the price of oil has yet to hit bottom.

Why are the odds stacked against lower-income students trying to get a college education? It’s all about income inequality.

And why should dogs be classified as “citizens”?

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