Who Paid for 9/11 Attackers' Flying Lessons? Nov. 17, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy Who Paid for 9/11 Attackers' Flying Lessons? Nov. 17, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy


Space: The Final Frontier … Of Profiteering, by Karl Grossman
Two recent crashes of commercial spacecraft have unearthed a new risk to the heavens: the possibility that money-driven incompetence is replacing the nobler aims of space exploration echoed in the phrase “for all mankind.”

ICYMI: READ Russ Baker’s interview with OpEd News’ Joan Brunwasser about the mainstream media’s growing acknowledgment that there is a “Double Government” and possibly even a Triple Government. Russ then discusses how the Bush family is preparing to put a third president in office.


Who is coming to America for the first time? Pope Francis. The popular Pope will attend the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia next fall. His statements on everything from homosexuality to evolution to income inequality have put him at odds with some American conservatives. And the U.S. media plays along by labeling him as a “liberal”.

Who doesn’t like the veto? Obama doesn’t … he’s issued the fewest vetoes by a two-term president since James Monroe. With the GOP preparing a new attack on ObamaCare and public approval of the program at “a new low,” that veto might be his only way to preserve his legacy. The other piece of his legacy puzzle—a nuclear deal with Iran—is also running into obstacles.

Who is quietly lobbying to preserve Net Neutrality?

And who is using taxpayer dollars to lobby for … taxpayer dollars?!


What Saudi Prince paid for the pre-9/11 flying lessons of 20 hijackers? Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called “20th Hijacker,” isn’t naming names. But he says Saudi Arabia financed the attackers, according to his letter to two federal courts. Lawyers representing 9/11 victims are assessing Moussaoui’s claims and mulling his request to testify.

Want to know to which prince Moussaoui may be referring? See WhoWhatWhy’s original investigation into possible Saudi royal family ties to the hijackers from 2011 and our follow-up story from 2013.

What is the cost per hour to fight the Islamic State and how many fighters are there?

And what is likely to be $60 billion over budget?


Why are some Muslims angry about the beheading of former Army Ranger Peter Kassig?

Why are more Federal Agencies using undercover operations?

Why is this “The Golden Era of White-Collar Crime”?

And why is your new boss going to be named “Mr. Algorithm?”

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