Deutsche Bank, Trump, and Russia: A WhoWhatWhy Primer - WhoWhatWhy Deutsche Bank, Trump, and Russia: A WhoWhatWhy Primer - WhoWhatWhy


Donald Trump, Deutsche Bank
Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from DennisM2 / Flickr (CC0 1.0) and The White House / You Tube.

The German banking colossus is back in the news, after German authorities raided its offices Thursday morning as part of a money laundering investigation. We’ve already been looking closely at this bank and its strange relations to Trump, Russia, oligarchs, and more — here’s what we’ve found.

Early Thursday morning German authorities raided the global powerhouse Deutsche Bank in relation to a money laundering investigation. The raid was reportedly spurred by information garnered from the Panama Papers — the 2015 document leak that revealed how wealthy international figures hide their riches via offshore bank accounts and shady shell companies. The new House Democratic leadership may also investigate.

At WhoWhatWhy, we’ve been watching Deutsche for quite a while — particularly its activities in the United States, its involvement with Russia, and its ties to Donald Trump.  

Here’s our Deutsche primer:

Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American and Russian, Part 1 (1/08/2018)

International banking colossus Deutsche Bank has a track record of deploying illegal financial trading, money laundering, and shady offshore tax shelters in the service of the global elite. Should anyone be surprised that Deutsche is on Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation radar?

Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American and Russian, Part 2 (1/15/2018)

What do President Donald Trump and a number of Russian oligarchs have in common? Answer: Deutsche Bank. We pick up where we left off by examining how Trump first became involved with the international colossus — a bank catering to clients who understood that sometimes the line between profit and illegality blurs.

Deutsche Bank: A Global Bank for Oligarchs — American and Russian, Part 3 (2/01/2018)

Not only is President Donald Trump personally tied up with Deutsche Bank to the tune of $300 million, but his son-in-law Jared Kushner has his own history with the global banking giant. Part 3 looks closely at these relationships, and asks just how far President Trump’s Justice Department will be willing to go in probing potential illegality on the part of Deutsche.

Deutsche Bank: Where the Dots of Russiagate Connect (1/24/2018)

Martin Sheil, a retired branch chief of the IRS Criminal Division, discusses his WhoWhatWhy series on Deutsche Bank and how nearly all the main figures involved in Russiagate also have ties to the financial institution.

House GOP Leads Russia Probe … Away From Deutsche Bank (2/27/2018)

House Republicans who are supposed to be investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election say there is no need to look at Deutsche Bank. Here is why they are wrong.

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