486 results found for "boston"

Looking for a Longer Jail Sentence? Cooperate with FBI!

By 06/18/2015

A friend of convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to six years in prison—after cooperating with the FBI in its investigation. Other known Tsarnaev associates who did not cooperate were let off without so much as a questioning. What is going on here?

A Dark View from Flyover Country

By 11/18/2016

Midwest-based journalist Sarah Kendzior thinks things are going to get a lot worse. Her view from mid-America is that the election is just the opening act of a future rife with fascism and violence.

Why Distrust the FBI? Let Us Count the Ways

By 11/20/2016

In a recent WhoWhatWhy podcast, journalist Sarah Kendzior noted that one of the issues this election has revealed is the growing distrust of institutions, such as the FBI. For new readers, here is a small sampling of our stories on the FBI. They show there is much to be distrustful about.

Classic WhoWhatWhy: Police State Gears Up

By 05/19/2015

On May 18, 2015, President Obama made a surprising announcement: he ordered the federal government to reverse its standing practice of providing American police departments with surplus weapons and vehicles from the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. Given declining confidence in police after a seemingly constant recent stream of fatalities involving black suspects, this newfound caution with heavy provisioning is understandable. But questions about the wisdom of militarizing police are not new. WhoWhatWhy first wrote about the issue in February, 2014.

Tsarnaev Judge Did Not Practice What He Preaches

By 04/14/2016

The U.S. District Court judge who presided over the trial of convicted Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev seems to have forgotten crucial details about the jury pool he interviewed during voir dire. Why do I seem to remember more about this aspect of the trial than the presiding judge?   When I heard that Judge […]

How Has Murdoch Improved With Age?

By 07/14/2011

Here, we republish WhoWhatWhy editor Russ Baker’s 1998 Columbia Journalism Review article on the practices of Rupert Murdoch and News Corp. See how things have changed (or not) in 13 years….