Expert Panel Flunks Republicans on Climate Science, Oswald in Mexico Pt 4, Walmart Partnered with FBI to Spy on Workers: Nov 25, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy Expert Panel Flunks Republicans on Climate Science, Oswald in Mexico Pt 4, Walmart Partnered with FBI to Spy on Workers: Nov 25, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy


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Elephants on ice. Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Kathryn Hansen / NASA / Flickr, Taiwai Yun / Flickr (CC BY 2.0), Chris Eason / Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

Elephants on ice.

Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Kathryn Hansen / NASA / FlickrTaiwai Yun / Flickr(CC BY 2.0), Chris Eason / Flickr (CC BY 2.0).

Expert Panel Flunks Republicans on Climate Science
By Klaus Marre
Do the statements on climate science that GOP candidates make on the campaign trail hold up under scientific review? Absolutely not, a panel of experts said. In fact, one of the leading Republicans seems to understands science just slightly better than a rock.
The CIA, Mafia, Mexico — and Oswald, Part 4
By Peter Dale Scott
This is a complex story, as fascinating as it is appalling. It is about how the CIA and FBI suppressed a major clue to the existence of a pre-JFK-assassination conspiracy. And about how alleged evidence of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico was manipulated and altered by elements in the CIA and their Mexican clients, the Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS).


PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to

The Iran Contra coverup went into high gear when Oliver North destroyed or hid pertinent documents between November 21 and November 25, 1986. About these photos: Ronald Reagan and Oliver North. Photo Credit: Executive Office of the President / Wikimedia, Unknown / Wikimedia

The Iran Contra coverup went into high gear when Oliver North destroyed or hid pertinent documents between November 21 and November 25, 1986. About these photos: Ronald Reagan and Oliver North.

Photo Credit: Executive Office of the President / WikimediaUnknown / Wikimedia.

Walmart Partnered with FBI to Spy on Workers (Trevin)
The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces were brought in when it was rumored Occupy might join protests at the corporate headquarters in 2013.

Campaign Warns: Teaming up Against Trump Would Be a ‘Bad, Bad Decision’ (Klaus)
Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen said it would be a bad idea for Republicans to team up to try to take down the frontrunner. Donors supporting different GOP candidates are planning an attack on the billionaire. Trying to preempt that, Cohen said Trump might run as an independent if he thinks he is not being treated fairly.

Dallas Mayor Says He’s More Fearful of Armed White Men than Syrian Refugees (Trevin)
Appearing on MSNBC Saturday morning, Mayor Mike Rawlings warned against falling into ISIS’ trap, calling the terror network “no more Islamic than Nazi senior staff was Christian.”

Fort Worth Opera Commissions JFK (Trevin)
According to the work’s composer, the opera will tell of the “final moments of joy between JFK and Jackie,” not “the assassination and what followed, the cover-ups or whatever.”

In other words, nothing of substance or importance. See yesterday’sWhoWhatWhy piece on how the JFK disinformation machine keeps on ticking, despite an overwhelming percentage of the population that does not believe the official story.

Company with Ties to the White House Lobbies to Hold Events at National Parks (Klaus)
A company that has put on live events for the White House and whose founder is a major donor of Democratic candidates is lobbying to be allowed to hold events at national parks.

Sweden Cracks down on Immigration (Kristina)
“Sweden — long regarded as Europe’s most welcoming country for migrants — is embarking on an immigration crackdown amid public anxiety over record inflows of refugees…. ‘The current situation is unsustainable so we must drastically reduce the number of asylum seekers coming to Sweden,’ Stefan Löfven, the prime minister, told a news conference.”
The West’s Secret Pact to Get Mideast Oil: Fascinating Study of Business History (Dan)



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