
In the News: A meeting of the European Council will conclude today in Brussels. The agenda includes a discussion of EU policy towards Russia. This event was preceded by a Ukrainian-Russian peace summit in Berlin hosted by German chancellor Angela Merkel. Merkel met with Russian president Vladimir Putin, French President François Hollande, and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Photo credit: Press Service of the President of Russia / Wikimedia

Past Elections Made Trump/Ozone Hole Shrinking/More

TPP Hurts Small Countries Ability to Fight Big Nations ; Michael Moore’s October Surprise ; Black Youth Football Team Gets Harsh Punishment for Kneeling ...and More Picks

TPP Hurts Small Countries Ability to Fight Big Nations ; Michael Moore’s October Surprise ; Black Youth Football Team Gets Harsh Punishment for Kneeling ...and More Picks

PICKS are stories from many sources, selected by our editors or recommended by our readers because they are important, surprising, troubling, enlightening, inspiring, or amusing. They appear on our site and in our daily newsletter. Please send suggested articles, videos, podcasts, etc. to

Body Language Expert Analyzes Trump Gestures (Milicent)

Regarding the way he pointed at Hillary Clinton during the Presidential Debate: “It diminishes [the person you’re talking to], and makes people very defensive. It’s kind of a condescending type of thing.”

Small Countries Standing Up to Corps Reminder on TPP Problems (Russ)

El Salvador, Costa Rica and other nations under assault from foreign and multinational corporations fight back — but would be harder under trade agreement Obama is pushing.

Michael Moore’s October Surprise (Jeff C.)

The controversial director has secretly made a film about Donald Trump. It premiers Tuesday. “See the film Ohio Republicans tried to shut down,” a synopsis on the IFC Center website said.

Young Black Football Team Brutally Punished After Kneeling During National Anthem (Trevin)

Despite first getting permission from the league, and winning games, their coach was fired. When the team stayed home from practice in protest of the firing, their entire season was cancelled.

Ozone Layer Hole Above Antarctic Actually Shrinking (Milicent)

Because people actually did something right, and it’s finally paying off. In 1987, most of the world signed on to the Montreal Protocol, which banned the use of CFCs — chemicals such as those emitted by aerosols and old refrigerators — which deplete the protective ozone layer.

Cold War in a Hot Zone (Jimmy)

Russia and the U.S. are playing geo-political chess in Syria. But is it turning into a dangerous game of chicken? Perceived wrongs on both sides are preventing peace.

For Anyone Tired of Panhandling on the Subway (Russ)


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