

WhoWhatWhy, CEO, founder, Russ Baker
WhoWhatWhy CEO and founder Russ Baker. Photo credit: WhoWhatWhy

In an age of propaganda and general craziness, we offer a formula for good information, delivered in a compelling manner.

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It’s never dull around here! We’ve closed out a troubling year for humanity with a strong year for WhoWhatWhy. That dichotomy is meaningful: The more problems the world faces, the more we need good journalism.

People seem to like what we do, and, at a time when news outlets fight for eyeballs, our traffic has climbed steadily. So has the level of engagement and enthusiasm from readers and regular donors. 

We’ve added beats and editors, particularly beefing up our International Coverage and adding a dedicated editor for our Energy and Environment reporting.  

Next year is, by almost any calculation, perhaps the most consequential election in American history. We’re preparing to do our part through our “Fate of the Republic” team, which will be providing fresh reporting and analysis designed to foster positive action and ensure that every adult citizen in the United States has an opportunity to make their vote count. 

We are also responding to the overwhelming amount of information coming at everyone — and the burden we all feel trying to cope — with innovative methods of letting you know what we think matters most, and sharing it succinctly for those who need their doses in short bursts. 

Please stay in touch and let us know how we’re doing. And how you’re doing. 

With all good wishes for the new year

Russ Baker

Founder, CEO, and Editor in Chief


  • Russ Baker

    Russ Baker is Editor-in-Chief of WhoWhatWhy. He is an award-winning investigative journalist who specializes in exploring power dynamics behind major events.

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