
Rick Scott, 11-Point Plan, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi
Rick Scott wants Republicans to say the quiet part out loud. Photo credit: DonkeyHotey / WhoWhatWhy (CC BY-SA 2.0) See complete attribution below.

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) has put in writing the real intentions of the GOP if they get majorities back in the US House and Senate. Democrats still can’t campaign against it.

While you’re here enjoying DonkeyHotey’s latest cartoon, please take a moment to read these articles on related topics: 

The cartoon above was created by DonkeyHotey for WhoWhatWhy from these images: Rick Scott caricature (DonkeyHotey / Flickr – CC BY-SA 2.0), Chuck Schumer caricature (DonkeyHotey / Flickr – CC BY 2.0), Nancy Pelosi caricature (DonkeyHotey / Flickr – CC BY 2.0), and stage (U.S. Department of Agriculture / Flickr).


  • DonkeyHotey

    DonkeyHotey creates art to illustrate news articles and opinion pieces. His current work is a combination of caricature, photo collage, and photo manipulation.

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