Introducing the WhoWhatWhy Blog - WhoWhatWhy Introducing the WhoWhatWhy Blog - WhoWhatWhy


Reporters, editors and staff at work in the newsroom of The Times-Picayune, 1900. Photo credit: Times-Picayune States / Wikimedia.

WhoWhatWhy keeps adding cool features. Now, we’re launching a blog — with a variety of offerings, including rants, updates, curiosities, and, best of all, lots of the “Deep Politics” questioning you expect from us.

Something new at WWW! We are pleased to introduce the WhoWhatWhy Blog. Check it out for short pieces on issues that matter to the WhoWhatWhy community.

The blog will feature updates to our stories, rants and raves, commentary, memes, polls, etc. And we will include plenty of “eyebrow-raisers” — news, rumors and the like that caught our attention.

For example, one of the stories we are following closely at the moment is the unfolding Nugan Hand bank saga, a “tale of dope, dirty money, and the CIA.” This CIA-linked Australian bank ran a massive money laundering operation for the international drug trade.

Now, the bank’s co-founder, Michael Hand, who disappeared 35 years ago after Australian authorities began investigating the bank’s shadowy past, has been found living under a new name in Idaho Falls, Idaho. If you’re interested in the dark undercurrent of deep politics, this one is worth watching. We’ll be posting the latest developments as they arise.

We also hope that the blog will give our readers an opportunity to interact with WhoWhatWhy editors and writers. We would love to hear more from you. So, if you want to contribute ideas, thoughts, criticism, etc. please feel free to do so. See something on the blog that you want us to look into? Then let us know.

Finally, below are examples of entries that you can already find posted at our blog page:

We’re From the Military Industrial Complex and Are Here to Test Your Blood

FBI Uses Counter Terrorism Authority to Infiltrate and Surveil Peaceful Protests . . . Again

Coroner May Reopen Investigation into Frank Nugan’s Death

A Curious Disturbance in the Force of Right Wing Propaganda

Michael Hand, Fugitive Who Ran Scandalous CIA Front Bank, Found Alive in US


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