It’s a Wonderful (Political) Life - WhoWhatWhy It’s a Wonderful (Political) Life - WhoWhatWhy

Prescott Bush, television
Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Prescott Bush Interview (The Book Archive / YouTube) and Muntz TV (Steve McVoy / Wikimedia - CC BY-SA 3.0)

It’s a Wonderful (Political) Life

Some Holiday Cheer With Grandpa Bush

Tis the season to be jolly! Follow me in merry measure! Yeah, whatever...let’s watch Prescott Bush.

On Christmas eve, many television networks run quaint, reassuring movies that help us momentarily escape the sense of panic that increasingly infuses our lives. We thought we’d do the same — but of course, with a WhoWhatWhy twist.

Given the direction politics has taken, and the harshness of the new president, we felt folks might want to bask a little in the good old days.

Here’s Senator Prescott Bush — Poppy’s Poppy, and W’s grandpoppy — his fangs covered in dull rhetoric, “questioned” by a satisfyingly subservient and neutered media.

It helps that Prescott was on the CBS board of directors. Go here to learn of even more intriguing entanglements.

Oh — and Merrrrry Christmas!

Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Prescott Bush Interview (The Book Archive / YouTube)