WhoWhatWhy's Inaugural daily newsletter: November 3, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy WhoWhatWhy's Inaugural daily newsletter: November 3, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy

New: A Daily Roundup of News

Today WhoWhatWhy is starting something new and we’re excited to bring it you.

WhoWhatWhy—Now is a five-day-a-week rundown of the key news, irreverent views and selected stories from around the world and around the web. It’s a quick way for discerning minds to keep up with ever-changing news cycle and the easiest way for the editors here at WhoWhatWhy to make sure you see the freshest takes from our contributors.

WhoWhatWhy—Now replaces and expands upon the Today’s Headlines feature on our site and will be accompanied by an expanded weekly round-up every Sunday. We want to make sure you get the best news and sharpest critiques in your inbox.

Take a look. We welcome your feedback, and hope you enjoy and share it.


…Is Buying the Senate?

The Center for Public Integrity breaks down the numbers in what promises to be a $4 billion election bonanza dominated by so-called “Dark Money”. The American Conservative looks at a new crop of GOP Hawks ready to storm the Senate. And John Hudson at Foreign Policy wonders if Obama will leverage a GOP victory to pass two shadowy, controversial trade deals—the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Last week the Trade Minister of New Zealand admitted that secrecy is crucial to the success of the TPP negotiations.


…Isn’t Your Absolute Right, According to the Spies

The new director of the U.K. spy agency GCHQ says there is no absolute right to privacy. And he accused U.S. tech firms of becoming the “networks of choice” for terrorists.

Meanwhile, back in the U.S., the NSA is headed to a Federal appeals court this week to defend the bulk collection of phone metadata. At issue is the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and government claims to expanded powers under the Patriot Act.

While credit card and computer hacking are the crimes that most worry Americans, Kim Zetter at Wired takes an in-depth look at the Stuxnet virus that crippled Iran’s nuclear facilities and is, according to the author, the “world’s first digital weapon.”

And a bevy of major banks are preparing to pay up to $41 billion to settle a host of separate investigations into widespread corruption and manipulation of foreign exchange markets. The so-called Forex-rigging scandal hasn’t gotten much play in the mainstream media, but big banks are already warning shareholders of the impending fines.


…Haven’t You Heard About These Stories?

German journalist Udo Ulfkotte went on Russia Today (RT) and admitted to 25 years of media manipulation, journalist malfeasance and war-mongering propaganda. According to former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitunge this was and is standard practice in the Western media and it is all greased by CIA bribery.

Jefferson Morley looks at the “CIA intrigue” around recently-deceased Watergate icon Ben Bradlee, his strange dealings with infamous CIA agent James Jesus Angleton and the death of JFK mistress and confidant Mary Pinchot Meyer.

Mark Ames at Pando Daily dredges up “The biggest CIA-drug money scandal you never read”, featuring the strange life and death of Nicholas Deak, an OSS-CIA fixer, associate of James Jesus Angleton, friend of CIA Director Bill Casey and key figure in a Lockheed bribery scheme.

Finally, Al Jazeera looks at the story of the USS Liberty—a Navy spy ship that was attacked by Israeli fighter jets during the Six-Day War. “The Day Israel Attacked America” details the mostly-forgotten attack that killed 34 and wounded 171 sailors and civilian analysts.

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