Seeking Accountability: Gitmo to Agent Orange: Nov. 11, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy Seeking Accountability: Gitmo to Agent Orange: Nov. 11, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy


Another Boston Bombing Witness Beatdown? by James Henry
Friends of the accused Boston Marathon Bombers have faced intimidation, deportation and even deadly violence. Now another is alleging abuse. Is this latest allegation symptomatic of a broader effort to silence the Tsarnaev brothers’ friends?

ICYMI: WhoWhatWhy Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker’s commentary on “41,” the new biography of George H.W. Bush penned by George W. Bush. Russ spent five years researching the Bush clan for his book “Family of Secrets.”


Who is Jonathan Gruber? He’s the ObamaCare “architect” who was caught on tape saying that “a lack of transparency” and the “stupidity of the American voter” made the law possible.

He is now “walking back” those comments, but the timing of Gruber’s admission couldn’t be worse. The Supreme Court just agreed to hear a key case centering on “a typo” in the year-old law and pressure is mounting on the new GOP Congressional leadership to repeal it.

Who has the winning strategy in the Pacific? The National Interest compares China and the U.S.

Who may find Veterans Day celebrations a bittersweet affair? Those who are still suffering from the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam.

Who likes the idea of a Clinton-Bush Presidential match-up in 2016? George W. Bush does, of course!


What widespread practice will the U.S. government try to defend before the United Nations Committee Against Torture?

What does this innocent man tortured by the U.S. want from the UN Committee Against Torture?

What kind of drones does the Pentagon want?


Why is the U.S. fighting “the wrong cyberwar” against China?

Why is the Hummer making a comeback?

Why is global warming good for cocaine?

And why is your property guilty until you are proven innocent?

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