No More Nazi Onesies on Amazon - WhoWhatWhy No More Nazi Onesies on Amazon - WhoWhatWhy

Amazon, Nazi
Amazon removed some items from their online store after Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) complained about merchandise promoting "hateful and racist ideologies." The products were offered by third party sellers and included cross-burning onesies for boys, Nazi paraphernalia, and white nationalist literature. Photo credit: Alan Levine / Flickr (CC0 1.0)

No More Nazi Onesies on Amazon

Media Looks the Other Way on Yemen ; Can US End Anonymous Shell Companies? ...and More Picks

Media Looks the Other Way on Yemen ; Can US End Anonymous Shell Companies? ...and More Picks 8/3

As Corporate Media Looks the Other Way, US-Backed Saudi Bombing Campaign Kills Dozens in Yemen (Jimmy)

The author writes, “As some of America’s most prominent corporate media outlets continued their lengthy blackout of Yemen’s deepening humanitarian crisis — a catastrophe made possible by the US government’s enthusiastic military and political support for Saudi Arabia’s years-long assault on the starving nation — the Saudi-led coalition on Thursday reportedly killed more than 50 people and injured over 100 more in a massive bombing campaign targeting the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah.”

The Utility of the RussiaGate Conspiracy (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “For the Democrats, Russiagate allows them to ignore calls for change and not scrutinize why they lost to the most unpopular presidential candidate in history. … For the state, Russiagate has encouraged liberals to forego their faculties and develop a state-worshiping, conspiratorial mindset in the face of a common, manufactured enemy. … For corporate media, too, the disciplining effect of the Russia narrative is highly useful, allowing them to reassert control over the means of communication under the guise of preventing a Russian ‘fake news’ infiltration.”

New Letter From 2 Dozen Attorneys General Calls on US to End Anonymous Shell Companies (Jimmy)

The author writes, “On Thursday, in a move that transparency watchdog Global Witness has called ‘unprecedented,’ some two dozen attorneys general from across the country have signed a joint, bipartisan letter calling for the end of anonymous shell companies in the US.”

Apple Now Worth $1 Trillion Thanks to Tax Cuts and Tax Aversion Schemes (Reader Luke)

The author writes, “After the strongest 3rd quarter earnings for the company ever, Apple became the first US, publicly-traded company to be worth over $1 trillion. Yet Apple’s trillion-dollar valuation is not solely a result of its role as an ‘innovator,’ to borrow a phrase from the meaningless biz-speak of Silicon Valley’s elite. Tax avoidance schemes and corporate tax cuts helped too.”