
Russ has been busy the past couple of days at the Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) conference in Baltimore. Today he will lead a panel on book writing and freelancing aimed at investigative reporters in career transition, due to the current instability in the media environment.

Russ and I are both card-carrying members of IRE, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and furthering the mission of investigative journalism. Explore the IRE website for the latest investigative stories and techniques in the business.

Like IRE, is also a nonprofit, dedicated to cutting-edge investigative journalism. As a nonprofit, we depend upon you, the public, for financial support. In turn, we
offer our services to pursue stories you want investigated. So please, send in tips and story ideas, and if you like what we do, donate.

We will be publishing a long investigative story soon, so stay tuned.


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