Hands Up, Oil Down & Bad Milk: Dec. 1, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy Hands Up, Oil Down & Bad Milk: Dec. 1, 2014 - WhoWhatWhy


Who Really Used Chemical Weapons in Syria? by Reese Erlich
Journalist Reese Erlich digs into that question in this exclusive excerpt from his new book “Inside Syria: the Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect”.


Who came out with their hands up? Players for the St. Louis Rams did before Sunday’s game, and local police are not happy about the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” protest.

However, the NFL will not fine or discipline the players. It’s too busy scrambling to recover from earlier fumbles … starting with a new focus on Commissioner Roger Goodell’s handling of the Ray Rice suspension to yet more evidence that concussions are deadly and widespread.

Who’s on the payroll of the Iraqi Army? At least 50,000 fictitious soldiers!

Who just cut short a U.S. effort to train its troops?

And who is oil giant BP spying on?


What won’t last long if the price of oil continues to slide? The American oil boom could go bust in a hurry.

For now, the Russian ruble is taking the biggest hit from the convergence of U.S. shale production and Saudi plans to flood the market.

Perhaps not coincidentally, another rival of the U.S. is getting pounded by the U.S.-Saudi oil glut. Venezuela’s future looks bleak if the saturated market continues to crush its budget while artificially stoking U.S. consumer demand.


Why is the Supreme Court debating rap lyrics?

Why do rich kids end up working for Daddy?

Why are dairy workers often worse off than the cows they milk?

Why have we entered the “Age of Brand Terrorism”?

Why hasn’t this woman produced any trash in two years?

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