Drone Pilot Payday, A Freakishly Hot Planet & The Loch Ness Catfish: July 17, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy Drone Pilot Payday, A Freakishly Hot Planet & The Loch Ness Catfish: July 17, 2015 - WhoWhatWhy

RadioWhoWhatWhy: Should We All Become Whistleblowers?
By Jeff Schechtman

In his work on leadership for both government and corporations, Ira Chaleff has become something of an expert on followers. What he’s found—and what he argues in his book Intelligent Disobedience and in his conversation with WhoWhatWhy’s Jeff Schechtman—is that we have to learn not to be so quick to follow orders and accept authority.

Chaleff explores how a remarkable range of wrongdoing of all magnitudes—from financial fraud to war crimes, and even, surprisingly, sexual misconduct—can to some degree trace back to the compromised moral compass of of those too quick to comply with orders. While we may not all have it in us to become whistleblowers, says Chaleff, we can all stand to be a bit more disobedient—when it is warranted.


Who was Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez?
The Chattanooga Times-Free Press looks at the life and times of local resident turned mass murderer— Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez. The young man was a long-time Tennessean, a mixed-martial arts enthusiast and generally well-liked by his peers. Thus far, the FBI has not found a link to international terrorism, but officials are examining a recent trip he made to Jordan.

Air Force Offering Big Retention Bonuses to Drone Pilots
Stars & Stripes reports on new efforts to stem the loss of drone pilots amid reports ofsevere stresshigh attrition and long-term PTSD among America’s remote controllers. Meanwhile, the drone war continues apace with over 30 “suspected militants” killed by a drone strike in Somalia. And a new drone just set an endurance record… one that probably couldn’t be matched by stressed out pilots.

“Climate change will never stop,” Leading Climatologist Says
Earth Island Journal spoke with French scientist Jean Jouzel about the prospects for stopping anthropogenic climate change. Here’s the takeaway… the future’s so hot you better wear a lifejacket (particularly if you live on a coastline). It’s no joke. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s latest report shows temperatures reaching a “freakish” new record and sea levels a new high. Say “Goodnight,” Gracie.


What Will Happen to Syria?
Tufts University Professor Hugh Roberts examines Syria’s long road into chaos and destruction… a trip that has been “hijacked” at different turns by various internal and external forces. The regime’s harsh response to the Arab Spring paved the way for the arrival of ISIS and the “caliphate.” What happens next is hard to ascertain. But this thorough explanation offers a frame of reference not found in the mainstream media.

Never-Before-Seen Footage Reveals Russian-Backed Rebels Arriving at the Wreckage of MH17
Today, victims’ families gathered on the first anniversary of MH17. And investigators may be closing in on suspects in the shoot-down. But the biggest story is a video obtained by Australian newspaper The Daily Telegraph purporting to show Russian-backed rebels ransacking debris and luggage in the immediate aftermath of shooting down what they seemingly thought was a Ukrainian fighter jet.


Loch Ness Monster Probably a Catfish, Says Man Who’s Been Watching for 24 Years
Steve Feltham gave up everything to track down one of the world’s most enduring—and lovable—mysteries. But two-plus decades after leaving his job, home and girlfriend, the seasoned veteran of the search for the mythical beast is convinced that Nessie may not be a sea-faring serpent after all.

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