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363 results found for "Syria"

By 11/06/2014

National Security Election Victory Edition: November 5, 2014

NOW LIVE ON WhoWhatWhy Our fresh new design, which we hope you like. Still the same great stories and insight. Who …benefits from GOP’s Midterm win? According to former Republican Congressman Ron Paul, it is the NeoCons. Once the GOP officially won a majority in the Senate, Paul tweeted: “Republican control of the Senate = expanded […]

By 09/16/2015

Missing From Refugee Story, Welfare Myth Debunked, More and More Countries Bomb ISIS, and Muslim Kid Builds WhatsWrongWithAmerica-O-Meter: Septe 16, 2015

VOLUNTEER!  Do you have skills you’d like to offer? We have all kinds of needs. Here’s one: Donor Network Coordinator. For more info, visit our Volunteer Page. Now Live on WhoWhatWhy Historical Backstory to Those Fleeing Syrians By Charles Glass If you want to know the who, what, why of how things got so bad in Syria — […]

By 09/26/2015

Russ Baker interviewed: Refugees, 9/11, and More

What are the deeper issues in the Middle East that make it such a hotbed for violent conflict? And why are US fingerprints all over these crises? In this interview with California radio host Douglas Everett on Radio Parallax, Russ Baker discusses the surprising connections between them, including the explosion of Middle Eastern refugees in Europe, 9/11, and others.

climate crisis, global warming, Northeast winter, white Christmas elegy
By 12/09/2024

‘White Christmas’ a Memory in NYC — Winter Is Cooked

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