Here are some of our favorite stories from 2023.
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The GOP Wants Us to Talk About Biden’s Health. Should We?
The worst time to prepare for an emergency is after the disaster is already upon us. Questions about Biden’s fitness for office are being raised, and we can only expect the matter to be magnified as the months pass before November 2024.

Catholic Crusaders Find Forbidden Fruit in Bookshelves of Local Library
In a small Virginia town, a small but vocal religious group has made it their mission to take over the local library — and they won’t stop there.

The Ramaswamy Two-Step: Selling Corporate Greed as Anti-Woke Gospel
Vivek Ramaswamy should not be allowed to play with matches — or our future. It’s time to bring what has been brewing behind the scenes to the foreground — making transparent the deep cynicism of this man and those whose interests he serves.

State-Level Voter Suppression Bills and the Dangerous Path Ahead
Voter suppression legislation is introduced for one overriding reason: to create a partisan advantage and win elections. But, incidental or deliberate, it may also have a secondary sinister effect: contributing to the further erosion of trust in our election processes.

Far Right’s Campaign Against Information Hits Center for Countering Digital Hate
A subset of the country is living in an alternate universe built on conspiracy theories fed to them by an out-of-control political movement.

Far-Left Protests Don’t Come Out of Nowhere, Despite What the News Tells You
A German protest says a lot about the rise of the far Right, how we understand the far Left, and whether laws restricting speech really do much. A parallel situation exists in the US.

American Politics: It Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better
Prominent pollster John Zogby describes the worldwide ascendancy of the ultra-right throughout the world in places as diverse as Italy, Turkey, Hungary, Sweden, India, Israel, France… even Tennessee. He provides a global context for the dangers the United States faces with Trump.

RFK, Jr.’s Panel of Health Hoaxers, Hustlers, and Hucksters
The question is, what are they really selling? WhoWhatWhy’s Russ Baker exposes the wacky crew of discredited “medical” advisers close to Robert Kennedy, including an osteopath who claims vaccines “magnetize” people, and you can prove it to yourself by pressing a key against your forehead, and watch it stick!

Building Herd Immunity to Truth: More on RFK Jr.’s Anti-Vax Crusade
When you look at some of Robert Kennedy’s statements, and then try to check their veracity — you may get a surprise. Russ Baker goes down a rabbit hole, trying to find where Kennedy gets his “facts.”

JFK Assassination: Hiding in Plain Sight, a Startling Revelation
What does it mean when two powerful men — Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover — privately agree that the public story of the Kennedy assassination is false?

Two Countries, Two Mass Shootings, Two Different Reactions
Two mass shootings on two continents demonstrate how much of an outlier the United States is when it comes to guns