Trump Almost Figures Out What ‘Country Over Party’ Means - WhoWhatWhy Trump Almost Figures Out What ‘Country Over Party’ Means - WhoWhatWhy

Liz Cheney, Donald Trump, Inauguration
Then Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney joined other Republican representatives at the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. Photo credit: US House / Wikimedia

Donald Trump cannot possibly understand why someone might choose to put the good of the country ahead of her own self-interest.

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Donald Trump on Friday came dangerously close to having an epiphany but ultimately fell just short.

In a tweet amplifying a video compiled by the New York Post, a key peg in the GOP’s propaganda machine, the former president points out just how much former congresswoman and current patriot Liz Cheney (R-WY) disagrees with the views and policies of Vice President Kamala Harris, whom she has endorsed.

(Editor’s Note: It is usually standard to italicize the names of newspapers. However, in this case, that does not apply because the New York Post is not actually a newspaper but rather a right-wing mouthpiece… privileges, even that of getting one’s name italicized, have to be earned.)

In his trademark non-misogynistic style, Trump subtly makes his case.

“Has Liz Cheney, one of the dumber people in politics, ever looked at the horrible statements she’s made about Lyin’ Kamala Harris?” the former president tweeted. “Every view and policy is the exact opposite of what Cheney and her equally ridiculous father, who got us into the never ending Wars in the Middle East, have stated over the years.”

Trump, perhaps unaware that his own vice presidential candidate JD Vance called him “America’s Hitler” and an “idiot” in past statements, seems to think that his clever tweet is an indictment of Cheney, when, in fact, it is an indictment of himself.

Like few others, she realizes that it is important to put country over party. Having done so, she already lost her seat in Congress when her views of the former president’s attempted coup and the January 6 insurrection became incompatible with the thinking of most Republicans, who believe that those things were just fine.

It is understandable that Trump may be confused by this concept, since he never puts anything above himself. In addition, in developing this backbone Cheney has evolved out of the GOP, which now consists largely of spineless Trump acolytes.

The entire point of Cheney’s endorsement of Harris is that she views Trump as such a danger to the country that she supports instead someone who holds policy views that are completely contradictory to her own.

There have been many, but not enough, Republicans who have taken the same step. Most recently former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake announced his support for Harris.

There are not many reasons why someone might take the unusual step of supporting someone whom they previously so vigorously opposed.

Take Vance, who decided to put power over principles in backing Trump. To him, this reversal was simply a matter of wanting to benefit personally.

That is certainly a motivation the former president can understand.

What he cannot possibly grasp, as evidenced by this tweet, is that somebody would, for the good of the country, back a candidate with whom they disagree. And, unlike in Vance’s case, there is nothing in it for Cheney… apart perhaps from some death threats.

Trump concludes his tweet with a major self-own.

“[Cheney’s past statements criticizing Harris are] being posted all over the internet, and Cheney looks even dumber than I thought she was – But I still say Kamala is worse!” Trump wrote, not realizing who looks dumb in this scenario.

In his Navigating the Insanity columns, Klaus Marre provides the kind of hard-hitting, thought-provoking, and often funny analysis you won’t find anywhere else. 


  • Klaus Marre

    Klaus Marre is a senior editor for Politics and director of the Mentor Apprentice Program at WhoWhatWhy. Follow him on Twitter @KlausMarre.

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