Brilliant New Trump Plan: Abduct Legal Haitian Migrants, Send Them to Venezuela - WhoWhatWhy Brilliant New Trump Plan: Abduct Legal Haitian Migrants, Send Them to Venezuela - WhoWhatWhy


Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine. Photo credit: USACE Buffalo

Trump proposes kidnapping Haitian migrants and sending them to... Venezuela.

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Self-proclaimed genius and greatest president of all time Donald Trump on Friday revealed details of his obviously well-thought-out deportation plan that would definitely not be illegal and/or result in economic chaos. At a “press conference” in California, the former president said he wants to do “large deportations” beginning in Springfield, Ohio, a city in which he believes Haitian migrants are stealing and eating pets.

To understand how well-devised Trump’s plan is, it is important to keep in mind that these migrants enjoy Temporary Protected Status and are therefore in the United States legally.

So, to where does the former president want to deport these legal Haitians migrants?

Glad you asked.

“We’re going to get these people out,” Trump said. “We’re bringing them back to Venezuela.”

During his rambling remarks, the former president falsely referred to the large Haitian community in Springfield as “illegal immigrants” and said they “destroyed” the community’s way of life.

Trump, who was roundly ridiculed Tuesday when he said he had a “concept of a plan” to reform health care (which is something he has promised to do for years without ever offering anything resembling an actual plan), may want to stop trying to offer details on what he wants to do if elected.

He usually doesn’t fare well when he tries to go beyond simple three-word phrases like “build that wall.”  

The crazy thing is that the situation in Ohio not only merits discussion but could end up being a winning argument for Republicans against unrestrained migration.

However, it would take a sane person to make that case… somebody who does not focus on fake online rumors of pet killings.

In other words, somebody who is not Donald Trump… like Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R).

Armed with information and the kind of clarity that eludes Trump, the governor on Wednesday laid out the challenges the city faces.

In a nutshell, it is this: Springfield has a population of 58,000. Within a couple of years, 15,000 legal migrants from Haiti moved there. On the plus side, they provided needed labor and, according to DeWine, they worked hard.

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However, because of Haiti’s poor health care system, many of them lack basic vaccinations and therefore pose a risk to the local population while straining the city’s primary care system.

DeWine argued that this is a situation where the federal government should step in and provide assistance.

Another issue is that it is very easy to get a driver’s license in Ohio, which allows poorly trained Haitian migrants to operate cars when they probably should not.

It is really worth comparing Trump’s comments on this to DeWine’s.

One politician is nuts and knows virtually nothing about what is happening. The other is compassionate, knowledgeable, aware of the complexity of the situation, and trying to find solutions.

But only one of them might become president… and it’s the guy who wants to kidnap legal residents of the United States and send them to a country they have never lived in.

*In his Navigating the Insanity columns, Klaus Marre provides the kind of hard-hitting, thought-provoking, and often funny analysis you won’t find anywhere else. 

  • Klaus Marre is a senior editor for Politics and director of the Mentor Apprentice Program at WhoWhatWhy. Follow him on Bluesky

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