Often insightful, usually humorous, and always irreverent: Our editorials are regularly among our most-read pieces. Here is Part 1 of our selection of our favorites from this year.
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Our Quest for Journalistic Honesty in an Era of Shouts and Lies
Should the News Be “Fair” or Be Right? Founder and CEO of WhoWhatWhy ponders TK

Remembering American Disasters
The biggest threats to America used to come from terrorist groups outside the country; now they are coming from inside the country as well.

Billionaires Are As Bad As Monopolies
Billionaires exert a gravitational field distorting the market around them the way a black hole distorts space.

On Bullshit, Lies, and Politics
Is there any real difference between a liar and a bullshitter? Harry Frankfurt, teacher of analytical philosophy, thinks there is. He suggests that even liars respect the truth — that’s why they spend so much time evading it. Trump and a slim majority of Republicans in Congress appear determined to prove Frankfurt’s assessment is true.

Bush’s Cake and FOIA Red Tape: A Whimsical Look at a Serious Transparency Issue
The practice of actually using the laws intended to promote transparency illustrates just how broken the process of legal disclosure can be.

Hardening Our Houses for Typhoon Trump
None of us have the luxury of saying “Don’t bother me, I can’t cope.” Not now, and not on any of the tomorrows that creep in between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024 — and, quite likely, beyond.

A Plea to Fox Viewers: Read More, Watch Less
An entertaining rumination on the dangerous power of entertainment in spreading lies.

‘They’re Coming After You!” The War Song of Donald J. Trump
They’re not coming for you. They’re coming for him — with significantly more care and due process than is ordinarily accorded to criminal suspects.

Has the Worm Finally Turned on Our National Nightmare?
Donald Trump has done his work all too well. If he disappeared tomorrow, America would remain dangerously divided and on the brink. Some worry the center won’t hold.

In Guns We Trust? The Unnerving Alliance of Violence and Belief
Many Americans cite their gun ownership and their religiosity as virtues. Maybe we have a reality problem.